The Military Aviation Museum in Pungo, Virginia has begun what promises to be a fascinating series of webinars covering a variety of subjects varying from the WWII era aircraft in their collection, to significant aircraft elsewhere and aviation-related historical events. These online seminars are bound to be fascinating for everyone interested in historical military aviation and will provide viewers with an in-depth examination of each topic at hand. The webinar series will begin with a close look at the museum’s PBY Catalina this coming Wednesday (April 21, 2021), but subsequent presentations will cover the diverse topics from the Berlin Airlift, to the recovery of the B-17E known as ‘Swamp Ghost’ and the role which Norwegian pilots played in fighting Germany from within the RAF during WWII (and the Norwegian Spitfire Foundation’s restoration of Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX PL258). Check for details about each of these webinars and how you can sign up to take part at the links below. We feel sure this will prove to be an excellent experience for all!
The Cat: Flying the Consolidated PBY
The Cat:
Flying the Consolidated PBY
Guest Speaker: Bob Hill
Museum Pilot
Wednesday, April 21st, @ 7 pm Eastern
Join 19-year veteran Military Aviation Museum pilot Bob Hill as he details the systems and flying characteristics of the PBY Catalina. Hill will also explore the type’s historical significance and provide a virtual walk-around tour of the Military Aviation Museum’s very own PBY-5A Bu.48294 which saw service across the Atlantic during WWII.
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The Urban Island
The Urban Island
Guest Speaker: Patrick O’Neill and Nick Saborio
Air Mobility Command Museum
Wednesday, April 28th @ 7 pm Eastern
In 1948, the United States Air Force was barely a year old when it faced its first major challenge. Due to political tensions, the Soviet Union had blockaded the former German capital city of Berlin which was, at the time, marooned inside the newly-formed East Germany, essentially a Soviet satellite-state. The Soviets halted the transportation, by road or canal, of all supplies to the beleaguered city in their efforts to starve and freeze Berliners into submission and, ultimately, annexation. Find out how a fleet of Allied aircraft kept the peace and a city alive in a special presentation on the Berlin Airlift by the Air Mobility Command Museum.
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Norwegian Wings over Europe in WW2
Norwegian Wings over Europe in WW2
Guest Speaker: Tor Idar Larsen
Wednesday, May 5th @ 4 pm Eastern
**This presentation begins at 4 pm Eastern time** Join Tor Idar Larsen of the Norwegian Spitfire Foundation to discuss the role which free Norwegian forces would play alongside the Royal Air Force in WWII. From the earliest days of the war, defending their country in obsolescent Gloster Gladiators, to the formations of 331 and 332 Squadrons which operated Spitfires and Hurricanes, and their eventual return to their once-occupied homeland in 1945. Larsen will also describe the current effort in Norway to restore Spitfire PL258.
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AIRACOBRA!: Restoring the Military Aviation Museum’s P-39
AIRACOBRA!: Restoring the Military Aviation Museum’s P-39
Guest Speaker: Restoration Team from Pioneer Aero Ltd., New Zealand
Wednesday, May 12th @ 7 pm Eastern
Join the restoration team from Pioneer Aero Ltd. in New Zealand for a look behind the scenes at the restoration of the Military Aviation Museum’s rare Bell P-39 Airacobra. The shop, best known for their work on the Curtiss P-40 family of aircraft, completed the P-39 in 2019, making it one of the newest additions to the Museum’s airworthy collection.
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Memphis Belle: American and Air Force Icon
Memphis Belle: American and Air Force Icon
Guest Speaker: Jeff Duford
Senior Historian at the Air Force Research Laboratory
Wednesday, May 19th @ 7 pm Eastern
Join Jeff Duford, Senior Historian at the Air Force Research Laboratory as he explores the significant place which the Boeing B-17 known as Memphis Belle occupies in both U.S. Air Force and American history. In addition to reviewing the wartime service of this iconic aircraft, Duford will also dispel many of the myths which have emerged about it over the years. The presentation will also take a detailed look at the aircraft’s comprehensive 13-year restoration at the National Museum of the US Air Force.
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Magnificent Obsession: Ravings of a Wreck Chasing Man
Magnificent Obsession: Ravings of a Wreck Chasing Man
Guest Speaker: Alfred (Fred) Hagen
Adventurer and Documentary Film Maker
Wednesday, May 26th @ 7 pm Eastern
In this photo-enriched presentation, join Alfred (Fred) Hagen for a circuitous ramble through the earliest days of World War II with a special focus on Hagen’s own family history. Discover the details of his own work searching for MIA aircraft and salvaging warbirds highlighted by “Aviation’s Holy Grail: The B17 Swamp Ghost”.
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Regia Aeronautica: Italy’s Involvement in WWII
Regia Aeronautica: Italy’s Involvement in WWII
Guest Speakers: Moreno “Mo” Aguiari and Luigino Caliaro
Saturday, June 5th @ 11 am Eastern
**Time and date moved to accommodate international speaker, 11am Eastern** Join Moreno “Mo” Aguiari of Warbirds News/Warbird Digest, and author/photographer Luigino Caliaro for a deep dive into the history of the Regia Aeronautica during WWII. The presentation will explore the often overlooked Mediterranean theater in great detail, while looking at the complex relationships that some of Italy’s finest pilots had with Fascism and Nazi Germany.
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