On April 26-27, the National WASP WWII Museum held its renowned WASP Homecoming Celebration and Airshow at Sweetwater Airport & WASP campus grounds. With enlightening panels and captivating speakers, the museum imparted knowledge, inspiration, and unforgettable moments to the public and supporters alike. The dedication, expertise, and enthusiasm of attendees truly made this weekend an unforgettable experience.
Despite ominous weather forecasts predicting rain and hail, the skies cleared, and the WASP Museum’s inaugural airshow took flight air boss, Kellie Hudson, whose leadership was nothing short of exemplary, and the talented pilots, whose remarkable skills brought a touch of excellence to Avenger Field. The museum leadership expressed appreciation to aviation director, Josh Hamaty, along with the CAF Marshalling Detachment, and Troy Fitting, without whom this annual event would not be possible.
The organizers wished to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed speakers for generously sharing their wisdom and insights. Special thanks to moderator Olga Custodio and WASP children Tom Lucas, Melissa Reed, and Marcy Crawford for their invaluable expertise on the WASP and for commemorating their mothers’ remarkable contributions during the WASP Celebration Brunch. Furthermore, Erin Miller, granddaughter of WASP Elaine Harmon, shared her personal journey and the significant contributions made to preserving the legacy of the WASP.
Next year’s WASP Homecoming & Airshow is set for April 24-25, 2026