Spitfire MJ444 Roars!

On Saturday May 11, 2024, after a successful test run earlier in the week, the MJ444 Supporters saw the Merlin engine roar into life, part of a complete airframe for the first time

MJ444 lives! (Photo Michael Zakariudakis)
United Fuel Cells

On Saturday, May 11th, 2024, following a successful test run earlier in the week, the MJ444 Supporters witnessed the Merlin engine roar to life as part of a fully assembled airframe for the first time. Devin Anscomb, a fortunate individual, found himself seated in the rear cockpit while ARCo’s Martin ‘Mo’ Overall did his utmost to keep ‘MJ’ grounded!

MJ444’s engine run for the MJ Supporters on 11th May 2024 (Photo Jo Rogers)
ARCo’s Mo Overall talks the MJ Supporters through the finer points of the Merlin 500 (Photo Michael Zakariudakis)

The upcoming two weeks will be incredibly busy for ARCo at Duxford. While the Merlin engine has undergone extensive testing prior to installation in the aircraft, there is still a significant amount of work to be done before it is deemed flight-ready. ARCo engineers will be working tirelessly to ensure that MJ444 is prepared to take flight on Saturday, May 25th. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a successful outcome!

Read our previous articles to learn more about this Spitfire, click the article below.  
Aero Legends’ Spitfire MJ444 Restoration – April Update

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