Mike Kellner, with much assistance from Chris Gibson, has just completed the arduous task of installing the top turret shroud on the Desert Rat. The tolerances required were exacting. In combat, the flight engineer manned this position., the corporate sponsor of this restoration, sells an amazing account of one such individual.
The restoration of B-17E 41-2595 is underway in Marengo, Illinois.
Does our government have funds available for these types of restoration projects? If not we should have.
No Weldon, These projects are privately founded.
could you pass on my email address to Mike Killner, we are looking for a B-17 engine for a project.
Thank you,
I am a Director, Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 153, located at Schaumburg Municipal Airport. Our members’ primary interest is in aircraft building/restoration. They would be very pleased if Mike Kellner or an associate could speak to our chapter about the recovery of “Desert Rat” and the rebuild/restoration process now underway. This would also provide Kellner Restoration Group greater awareness within the EAA community.
Chapter 153 meets the second Friday of each month at 7:30pm in the Schaumburg Airport meeting room, downstairs from Pilot Pete’s restaurant.
A presentation would be about 45 minutes to an hour, including questions & answers.
Please contact me via my email address or phone (847-439-4768) and we can discuss details and work out a schedule that would be convenient for you in 2016. Currently, we have presentation times available from March through November 2016.
Thanks for your time, and bet of luck with the restoration.
Jim Fall, Director
EAA Chapter 153
Jim, I will pass the message along.
How can I help ? I’m handy with tools