Thunder Over Michigan, hosted by the Yankee Air Museum in Ypsilanti, Michigan, is renowned as one of the most popular air shows in the United States. This year, the organizers are orchestrating what promises to be the largest gathering of TBM Avengers in decades. According to Michael Luther, the air show’s director, they anticipate hosting the world’s largest “Turkey” gathering—a playful nod to the Avenger’s nickname. Taking place at the Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan, the event will take place over the weekend of June 20-22, 2025. You can visit for more information.
The TBM Avenger earned the moniker “Turkey” due to its large size and somewhat ungainly appearance. Pilots often likened its bulky silhouette and less agile handling to that of a turkey, especially when compared to the sleeker, more maneuverable fighters within the same air groups. Despite its awkward appearance, the Avenger’s reliability and rugged design made it a favorite among naval crews.
“We are thrilled to organize this gathering,” said Luther. “The Avenger is one of the most beloved WWII Navy bombers among enthusiasts. We’ve invited every U.S.-based operator, and we’re excited to confirm eleven aircraft so far. But we’re not stopping there—we’re working hard to add a few more to the lineup!” You can visit for more information.