Macchi C.205 Veltro Museo Aeronautica Militare Photo Luigino Caliaro 3

Macchi Fighters Survivors

Only a handful of Macchi fighters have survived intact and are on display today. In total, just seven of these esteemed Italian aircraft are preserved in museums. Luigino Caliaro provides detailed information about these surviving fighters. […]
Ju.87 B 2 Stuka of the 208th Squadron temporarily integrated in the 97th Autonomous Dive Bombing Group Lecce 1941

German Wings in Italian Skies

German Wings in Italian Skies is a fantastic book detailing German aircraft in service in Italy from 1911 to 1945. Written by Italian aviation expert, author, photographer, and passionate photo collector Luigino Caliaro, this book offers a comprehensive look at this fascinating aspect of aviation history. […]