A Visit with Elmer: Spending an Afternoon With a World War II P-51 Pilot

Austin Hancock recalls his experience meeting WWII pilot Elmer Pankratz at the Geneseo Airshow.

Austin Hancock
Austin Hancock
Elmer Pankratz in the cockpit of P-51 Quicksilver
Alan Armstrong 729

At 102 years old, Elmer Pankratz has lived a life filled with extraordinary experiences. His service in World War II not only shaped his personal journey but also turned him into a custodian of history. Recently, fellow museum volunteer John Peckham and I traveled to Elmer’s home in Rochester, NY, for an afternoon of conversation, reminiscing about his time as a tactical reconnaissance pilot during the war.

Elmer Pankratz in his F 6D Mustang airplane.jpg
Elmer Pankratz prepares for a flight over Germany in the spring of 1945. Image: Courtesy of Elmer Pankratz

Elmer, his friend John Morgan, John Peckham, and I spent a few remarkable hours together, starting with discussions about his training days. Elmer recalled flying the Vultee BT-13, a type we are fortunate to have at our museum, owned by member Rob Gillman. One particularly harrowing memory involved a night training cross-country flight, where many pilots in his unit became disoriented and bailed out, not knowing where they would land. Elmer nearly joined them, but an inner voice urged him to stay the course. Eventually, he spotted the beacon he had been searching for and landed safely—but many of his fellow trainees were not so lucky. As our conversation continued, Elmer spoke about flying the AT-6 Texan, an aircraft we both agreed is a fine machine. He noted its challenging takeoff and landing characteristics but credited those very challenges with making him a better pilot.

BT 13 Geneseo by Austin Hancock  

During his transition to fighters, Elmer trained in the P-40 Warhawk. He vividly recalled his nerves during his first flight—his knees shaking as he lined up on the runway with other Warhawks. The P-40 was notorious for overheating on the ground due to the tightly packed Allison V-1710 engine. One of Elmer’s fellow trainees had to abort takeoff due to rising temperatures, and when Elmer checked his own gauges, he realized he was in the same predicament. After shutting down and being towed back to the hangar, he discovered he had mistakenly set his rudder trim to the left instead of the right. Had he taken off in that configuration, the engine’s torque, P-factor, gyroscopic precession, and spiraling slipstream would have sent him into an uncontrollable left turn—an almost certain disaster.

Elmer MM2

Elmer also shared tales from his time overseas. One particularly amusing story was the so-called “Battle of the Hayfield.” On a day when boredom had set in, Elmer took up a Stinson L-5 Sentinel for a leisurely flight. Hoping to spot a group of women he had heard were sunbathing by the river, he instead found a lone English farmer in a hayfield. Seizing the moment, Elmer lined up for a low pass to startle the farmer—only to realize too late that the man was ready for him, pitchfork in hand. Deciding to avoid an international incident, Elmer pulled up and waggled his wings in surrender. He had lost the Battle of the Hayfield.

T 6 Texan by Austin Hancock  

Not all of Elmer’s experiences were lighthearted. In combat, he encountered numerous high-stakes situations. On one particular mission, he came across a German train operating in broad daylight—an unusual sight so late in the war, signaling desperation and urgency. Flying an F-6D Mustang, the photo-recon version of the P-51D, Elmer acted as forward air control until reinforcements arrived. Soon, a group of P-47 Thunderbolts swooped in to attack the train. However, one of the railcars housed an 88mm flak gun, which opened fire, striking one of the P-47s. Elmer watched in horror as the Thunderbolt, aflame and upside down, crashed into a farmhouse. His relief was immediate when he spotted the pilot safely descending under his parachute. To this day, Elmer wonders what was on that train that was so important it had to travel by day—and what became of the downed P-47 pilot. We have begun researching these questions, hoping to uncover the answers Elmer has long sought.

Elmer P 51 2

Looking ahead, the 2025 Geneseo Airshow is fast approaching, and it is Elmer’s dream to fly in a P-51 Mustang once again. He refers to the aircraft as his “Aluminum Sweetheart,” the only plane he ever truly wanted to fly. At 102 years old, the prospect of taking to the skies in a Mustang at the “Greatest Show on Turf” is fueling his determination. Elmer says this goal is giving him a reason to keep going—a testament to the enduring power of warbirds and their deep connection to the human spirit.

Aircorps Art Dec 2019
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Commercial Pilot, CFI, and Museum Entrepreneur, with a subject focus on WWII Aviation. I am dedicated to building flight experience so I can fly WWII Fighters, such as the P-51 Mustang, for museums and airshows, and in the USAF Heritage Flight. I lead and run the Pennington Flight Memorial, to honor local MIA Tuskegee Airman F/O Leland “Sticky” Pennington.
  • It has to be a great Honor to have meet this American hero!

    Hope you can find the answers about the pilot for him! The train well that might be very difficult to do I would think

  • If you can get there, Granite Falls, MN has an amazing Fighter Museum as well! Fagan Fighters routinely offers those Veteran flights too. death and Destruction is a F5 Hellcat, Sweet Revenge is the Mustang your vet dreams about. My son is working on WWII and your article came up. Thank you for keeping his story as alive as your vet is.

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