‘That’s All, Brother’ Takes to the Skies!!!

Richard Mallory Allnutt (Chief Editor)
Richard Mallory Allnutt (Chief Editor)
That's All Brother in the skies!!! The D-Day veteran C-47 made her first post restoration flight today at the hands of Doug Rozendaal and Tom Travis. Bravo to all concerned! (image by Jim Koepnick via CAF)
AirCorps Aircraft Depot

That’s All, Brother Takes to the Skies!!!

by Richard Mallory Allnutt

So the day has arrived. It’s a frigid afternoon at Wittman Field in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, but the moment so many of us have been waiting for is here. The hangar door at Basler Turbo Conversions slowly opens, and the Commemorative Air Force’s D-Day veteran Douglas C-47A Skytrain That’s All, Brother is pushed carefully out into daylight in preparation for her first post-restoration flight. The aircraft has undergone more than 22,000 hours of painstaking effort to repair or replace any deficient structure, hardware and systems. She resembles a patchwork quilt in many ways, with shiny new skin matched against the olive drab and tan of her earlier days on the air show circuit dressed as an AC-47 gunship. But despite her mottled exterior, this aircraft is as solid as the day she first rolled off the assembly line in Tulsa, Oklahoma during early 1944.

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That’s All, Brother inside the hangar at Basler Turbo Conversions this morning, awaiting her moment to shine. (photo via CAF)

Her pilots, Doug Rozendaal and Tom Travis, both long-serving CAF veterans, walk around the frozen airport ramp, inspecting the aircraft, before climbing aboard to run through their preflight checks. There is a 12knot westerly breeze and a thin layer of scattered clouds at 2,000 feet, but visibility is better than ten miles. We are a go!

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Long-time CAF veteran pilots Doug Rozendaal (left) and Tom Travis (right) pictured in the cockpit of That’s All, Brother a few days ago. The two men flew the D-Day veteran Skytrain successfully on her first post-restoration flight this afternoon. (photo via CAF)


Pulling the props through prior to engine start on the first flight. (photo via CAF)

That’s All, Brother with both engines running smoothly just prior to taxiing out for take off. (photo via CAF)

Engine startup went smoothly, first number one, then number two coughed to life with the characteristic belch of white smoke from burned off oil settled in the lower pistons. With the engine gauges indicating in the green, and the preflight check list completed, the crew carefully throttle up and move slowly forwards down the long taxiway, heading towards runway 27. Basler’s facility is located on the far south eastern edge of the airport, so it takes some time to reach the runway threshold. The Skytrain reaches the apron and pauses a while, just off the active runway, to test the engines at full takeoff power and do a mag check before running through the final items on the check list. The pilots communicate with the airport tower, and receive permission to take the active….

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A Google Earth view of Basler Turbo Conversion’s facility at Wittman Field in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

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That’s All, Brother taxiing beside Runway 27. (photo via CAF)

As they turn on to the runway 27, the two men scan the sky for any air traffic that may be of concern. With that done, and a quick final check of the instruments, the copilot slowly pushes the throttles forward to takeoff power, and they release the breaks. That’s All, Brother’s brace of Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Double Wasp engines roar as the aircraft moves down the nearly 6,200 foot runway. Being almost completely empty, the aircraft gathers pace quickly for a C-47. The tail comes up at around 85 knots and then, slowly, the pilots lift her into the bright blue winter skies. That’s All, Brother is airborne again for the first time in over a decade! A Beech Bonanza chase plane followed close behind, and the pair flew for roughly 20 minutes before coming down again for a safe landing on the same runway. After a few adjustments, the Skytrain made a second post-restoration flight a short while later. Bravo to all at the CAF and Basler Turbo for making this resurrection possible!

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That’s All, Brother …. airborne at last! (photo by Art Eichmann via CAF)


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That’s All Brother in the skies!!! First air-to-air shot from Jim Koepnick via the CAF. Bravo to all concerned!

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Another marvelous shot by Jim Koepnick from the first flight. (photo by Jim Koepnick via CAF)

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That’s All, Brother out over the frozen expanse of Lake Winnebago. (photo by Jim Koepnick via CAF)

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A great closeup view of That’s All, Brother during her first flight showing the crew in the cockpit. (photo by Jim Koepnick via CAF)

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That’s All, Brother about to touch down after a successful first post-restoration test flight. (photo by Jim Koepnick via CAF)

Everyone gathered round the aircraft to welcome the crew home following That’s All, Brother’s first post-restoration flight. (photo via CAF)

Pilot Doug Rozendaal raises a glass of sparkling wine in a celebratory toast to That’s All, Brother’s first post-restoration test flight. (photo via CAF)


Now that the aircraft is flying again, the maintenance crew will carefully check her over for any issues which need addressing. Once they are satisfied, That’s All, Brother will head to her new home with the CAF Central Texas Wing in San Marcos, Texas. Here another restoration crew will focus their efforts on finishing the details which will return the aircraft, as closely as practical, to the way she would have appeared in the early minutes of June 6th, 1944 as she set off on her historic mission to help free Europe from Hitler’s grasp. Some of the remaining restoration work will involve completing the navigator and radio operator work stations, and fitting out the fuselage with paratrooper seats as well as recreating the myriad decals that have normally lined the aircraft’s interior. They will, of course, repaint the aircraft’s exterior. She will regain her D-Day livery which will look very much like the graphical illustration shown below.

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This is the paint scheme which That’s All, Brother will return to in the coming weeks. (image via CAF)

Another goal is to get That’s All, Brother ready for a return trip to France in June, 2019 to take part in Daks Over Normandy, an event which will see a couple of dozen C-47s in the air during the 75th Anniversary celebrations of D-Day. That’s All, Brother will need plenty of support to make this trip, so anyone who would like to help this project reach fruition should click HERE to see how they can contribute.

AirCorps Aircraft Depot
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Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends. After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups. Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.

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