It’s safe to say that we have all been watching the Commemorative Air Force’s valiant efforts to resurrect the D-Day veteran Douglas C-47 That’s All Brother. The venerable cargo plane has been undergoing refurbishment with Basler Turbo in Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the past couple of years, and we have learned that she is just a few short months away from her maiden flight. The CAF has released an update on their progress, and we have reproduced it below, with permission, for your enjoyment. This is arguably the most significant restoration project in the world today, and easily one of the most significant ever, so be sure to contribute if you can by clicking HERE….
CAF Nov.21, 2017 Press Release for That’s All Brother…
A great deal of progress has been made on the aircraft since our last update. Those who visited the airplane at her most recent public display this July at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin may have noticed that the control surfaces had been installed, the wiring inside the airplane was almost completed, and her cockpit was shaping up nicely with a number of the instruments overhauled and installed.
Thanksgiving is a special time of year. For the That’s All, Brother restoration team, it is a time to reflect on the challenges the project has faced and a time to be thankful for your support which has allowed us to undertake this one-of-a-kind restoration. Through the dedication and commitment of our supporters, and the passion of our team, we are now within striking distance of the first flight.
The team had hoped that the airplane would make its first flight in the fall of 2017, however, the commitment to authenticity and making sure the work is done right, means that the first flight date has been pushed back. We now expect that the airplane will fly early in the New Year.
Thanks to the many donors who contributed to our June campaign aimed at supporting the engine overhauls, the engines are now completed, plumbed and installed on the airplane. We are just a few short weeks away from running That’s All, Brother’s engines for the first time since this restoration started in 2015.
We are on the home stretch at Basler Turbo Conversions, as the first phase of restoration ends with the first flight of the airplane. In the subsequent months, we will be working to complete the interior restoration with a team of dedicated volunteers in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The exterior will also be completed in the first half of 2018, with paint and coatings provided by Stits Polyfiber.
Arrangements are still being made for the engine run and, following the successful test, an announcement will be made regarding the first flight. Stay tuned for additional information, including how you can get in on the action!