Month: October 2018

RAAF Aircraft Research & Development Unit (ARDU) 75th Anniversary

The Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU) will celebrate 75 years of continuous service on…

Moreno Aguiari

Breguet Br.1150 Atlantic Air-Lifted to the Italian Air Force Museum

On October 18th, 2018, the final Breguet Br.1150 Atlantic anti-submarine and marine patrol aircraft to…

Moreno Aguiari

Handley-Page Hampden Fuselage Whole Again at RAF Museum Cosford

*Handley Page Hampden TB Mk.I P1344, under restoration for the past decade or so at…

Moreno Aguiari

USAF Museum to Commemorate Veterans Day with ‘Plane Talks’ on Nov 10

PRESS RELEASE - The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force will commemorate Veterans Day…

Moreno Aguiari

CAF Living History Day Features Legendary P-51 Mustang

The renowned North American P-51 Mustang will take center stage this coming Saturday during a…

Moreno Aguiari

B-29 Doc’s New Home Nearly Ready!

Doc's Friends, the organization responsible for the restoration, maintenance and operation of the Boeing B-29…

RAF Museum Cosford – Cold War Jets Open Cockpit Event Oct.27 – Nov.4

The Museum will be opening the Hawker Hunter F Mk.4 cockpit for close viewing, allowing…

Aviation Heritage Park – A Little Gem In Bowling Green, Kentucky

by Moreno Aguiari, photos by Jay Bess Aviation Heritage Parks are a familiar sight all…

Moreno Aguiari

Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum to Open Third Building

The Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum will be holding the grand opening for their…

Paul G. Allen: 1953 – 2018

While we rarely remark on the passing of aviation luminaries, as that is not really…

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