The Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington reports that the next monthly Boeing Centennial Weekend, April 9-10, will look at Seattle life at home and at war during the “Formidable Forties.” April 9 highlights include a panel of World War II air combat veterans, a lecture and book signing with author John Fredrickson (“Warbird Factory”). All weekend there will be representatives from the new Holocaust Center for Humanity, and the Distinguished Flying Cross Society. Live entertainment includes big band swing music, and “living history” actors as Women Airforce Service Pilots and assorted World War II characters. And the Forties featured food will be Ivar’s famous chowder (while supplies last). All activities are free with admission to the Museum.
Saturday, April 9
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Representatives from the new Holocaust Center for Humanity, and the Distinguished Flying Cross Society will offer information and answer questions in the Personal Courage Wing.
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Swing music by the Boeing Big Band
11:30 a.m., 12:30 and 1:30 p.m.
Women Airforce Service Pilots living history shows, “Women at Work and War.”
11:30 a.m.
Lecture and book signing with author John Fredrickson. His new book, “Warbird Factory,” explores the World War II history of the North American Aviation company, which made more aircraft from 1938 to 1944 than any other manufacturer in the United States. Copies of “Warbird Factory” will be available in the Museum Store.
1-3 p.m.
Ivar’s Chowder Sampling (while supplies last)
3 p.m.
American Fighter Aces Association presents “Big Friends, Little Friends,” a moderated panel discussion focusing on two of World War II’s most recognizable American aircraft–the B-17 bomber and the P-51 fighter. The panelists will be David Wilhelm (P-51 Fighter Ace), Bob Drew (P-38 and P-51 pilot), Ted Gary (B-17 tail gunner) and Dick Nelms (B-17 pilot). An autograph session with the panelists follows the discussion.
Sunday, April 10
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Friends of Willie and Joe living history actors portray an array of World War II characters in the Personal Courage Wing galleries.
Representatives from the new Holocaust Center for Humanity, and the Distinguished Flying Cross Society will offer information and answer questions in the Personal Courage Wing.
11:30 a.m., 12:30 and 1:30 p.m.
Women Airforce Service Pilots living history shows, “Women at Work and War.”