Hurricane PZ865 was the last of 14,533 Hurricanes produced. Right out of the factory it carried the Inscription ‘The Last of the Many’ on her port and starboard sides. Keen to preserve the last Hurricane ever built, Hawkers purchased the aircraft back from the Air Ministry and kept it in storage at Langley. Nowadays the Hurricane PZ865 (Mk IIc) is flown in the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) by Royal Air Force (RAF) Pilots.
At the moment this warbird is located in the hangars of The Aircraft Restoration Company which is the largest of the specialist aero engineering companies sited at Duxford Airfield, Cambridgeshire. Some of the tasks recently completed on the plane included having the tail, fin and rudder refitted as well attention paid to the outer wings including ailerons, engine and propeller, tail and main undercarriage units including axles and wheels. Few important tasks such as refitting of various systems to the fuselage,the development and fitment of the parametric Service modification and the development and fitment of the pre-oiler Service modification still have to be completed.