The Douglas DC-3 is a fixed-wing propeller-driven airliner. Its speed and range revolutionized commercial aviation when it was introduced in 1935, and with the outbreak of WWII, the DC-3 and its military versions, the Douglas C-47 Skytrain, C-53 Skytrooper, and C-47 Dakota and the license-built Russian Lisunov Li-2, Japanese Showa L2D and Nakajima L2D made for a production total that exceeded 16,000 by the time production ceased in 1952. Even today, DC-3s and the ex-military variants of the aircraft remain in use all over the world.
Florida Air Cargo – Where Douglas DC-3s Still Work for a Living
Florida Air Cargo still operates three DC-3/C-47 on a commercial basis – almost ninety years after the type’s initial flight on December 17, 1935! […]