On September 9,10,11,12, the Military Aviation Museum is hosting a very historic World War II aircraft. Visitors will be able to tour “That’s All, Brother”, the C-47A Skytrain troop transport that led the formation of 800 other troop transport aircraft over Normandy on D-Day 1944. Visitors will also be able to purchase flight experiences over the Virginia Beach area.
“That’s All, Brother” (Named by its D-Day crew as a message to Adolf Hitler) was the C-47A troop carrier aircraft that led the Airborne Invasion on D-Day, June 6, 1944, carrying 101st Airborne Division paratroopers into France during the D-Day invasion. During the remainder of WWII, “That’s All Brother” served in Operation Dragoon, Market Garden, the Relief of Bastogne, and Operation Varsity. After the war, the aircraft was sold as surplus and its contribution to history almost forgotten. In 2007, it was discovered by a historian in a boneyard, destined to be scavenged for parts or converted into a more modern aircraft. In 2015, the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) rescued the aircraft from the boneyard and began the restoration.
Tours of the aircraft will be included with
purchase of admission to the Military
Aviation Museum.
$295 / person*
*Save $25 – Click the C-47 Rides button to book your
flight in advance, and receive a discount.
Enter the promo code VABMAM for an additional $25 discount when you book online. Look for “promo code” on the “select ticket type” page. Please present your current museum membership card when checking in for your flight.