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A glorious shot of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's Avro Lancaster shortly after arriving at the Smithsonian's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in preparation for the Great British Fly-in celebrating the RAF's Centenary on the following day. Note the large yellow decal just below the cockpit. It is honoring the 75th anniversary of the famous Dambuster raid of May 16/17th 1943. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF) kicked off its centennial celebration in the Washington, DC area on Sunday, April 15, 2018.TheNational Air and Space Museum (NASM), Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, located in Chantilly, Virginia, hosted the event whichfeatured hundreds of smartly dressed Royal Air Force personnel, historical artifacts and informative lectures,and, of course,some very niceBritish aeroplanes.
The U.S. Navy sent a P-8 Poseidon to the Great British Fly-in. While this may seem a little incongruous, considering the NASM show was celebrating the RAF’s Centenial, this aircraft was flown in by a Royal Air Force crew. The RAF is scheduled to receive the first of their Poseidons in 2019. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center is uniquely situated on the grounds of Dulles International Airport, making it an ideal location to host live aviation events. Planning for the celebration began several weeks back as an impressive lineup of attending aircraft began to take shape with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster and at least seven Spitfires booked to attend. Unfortunately, mechanical issues and a strong cold front pushing east kept many of the warbird owners from bringing their airplanes to the celebration. The Collings Foundation’s Spitfire was the last to cancel, but Rob Collings and his family flew down from Massachusetts to support the event anyway.
The Lancaster continues her march towards the Udvar-Hazy Center. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
RAF re-enactors posing beside a jeep with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster B.X FM213 standing in the background beside the Udvar-Hazy Center. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The first aircraft to arrive was a Boeing P-8 Poseidon, operated by a British Royal Air Force crew. TheLancaster was next, along with a PT-17 Stearman biplane, piloted by Heather Penny, and Tim Trimble’s P-26. John Sessions’ B-25, named Grumpy after the Snow White character, managed to navigate through the cold front and arrived at Dulles Airport late Saturday evening. It took Richard Wilshertwo days and nights to fly his de Havilland Chipmunk across the country as well, but by Sunday morning, all of the aircraft were on display.
John Sessions poses in front of his Mitchell. Sessions flew Grumpy all the way across the country specifically to be at this event. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
RAF re-enactors standing in front of the Historic Flight Museum’s B-25D Mitchell at the Great British Fly-in outside NASM’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia on April 15th, 2018. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Kaydet and Cornell shortly after arriving at the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Richard Wilsher standing proudly in front of his deHavilland Chipmunk. It took two days for Wilsher to fly the Chipmunk in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The museum opened at eight o’clock. NASM volunteers, along with men and women from the RAF, greeted the visitors with small British flags, informational flyers, and all sorts of event swag. Noted historians and official participants held lectures around the museum highlighting 100 years of RAF history. The lines to tour the display aircraft on the ramp outside the museum stretched a good distance.Crew members from each aircraft were on hand to answer spectator questions and to hand out information cards. One group of reenactors also brought an RAF Jeep and Hillman Staff Car to help enhance the historic nature of the event.Children and adults alike were fascinated by the Hillman’s right hand steering column. Inside the museum, the Royal Air Force Band entertained the public with choreographed marches and British aviation movie scores from films like The Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines, 633 Squadron and The Battle of Britain.Also, the Queen’s Colour Squadron demonstrated precision marching drills at various times during the day.
96-year old RAF Lancaster bomber pilot Flight Lieutenant Richard Boyd DFC was on hand at the Great British Fly-in to talk about his experiences during WWII. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Royal Air Force Band playing inside the National Air & Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center during the Great British Fly-in to celebrate the RAF’s Centenary. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Veteran World War II pilot Flight Lieutenant (Flt.Lt.) Richard E. Boyd (retired) DFC closed the event. Flt.Lt. Boyd flew the Lancaster bomber during the war and related some of his interesting experiences during that time. He flew 33 missions (11 in the day and 22 at night) in the course of his wartime career. He described the reliability of the Avro bomber and its 22,000 pound bomb capacity. The duration of most of his missions was 4 to 6 hours, with the exception of the flight to bomb Dresden, Germany. “On that mission,” said Boyd, “we could only carry about a 4,000 pound bomb load.We needed the extra weightfor fuel as the mission was 8 to 9 hours long.” Flt.Lt. Boyd flew 33 missions without a casualty. “Well, I did have one,” recalled Boyd. “On one mission, my radio operator needed to go to the toilet. I had a rule about knowing where my crew members were at all times. So, my radio operator was required to plug his headset when he got to the toilet. He reported in, and all seemed OK until we heardscreaming over the interphone. The toilet in the Lancaster has a metal seat, and at 12,500 feet it is frozen. When the radio operator sat down, he became stuck. The resolution was—he had to sit until the seat warmed enough to release his skin leaving behind a telltale mark of the incident!”
The RAF CentennialCelebrationwas a resounding success, despite the small number of flyable airplanes on display. It was evidentthroughoutthe event that both the RAF and NASM staff membersfollowed the World War II slogan Keep Calm and Carry On.
The author would like to express his sincere thanks to Pat Robinson, David Schwartz, and the entire NASM staff for making this article possible.
A gallery showing the aircraft during their arrival at the Great British Fly-in on the much sunnier Saturday afternoon…
The U.S. Navy sent a P-8 Poseidon to the Great British Fly-in. While this may seem a little incongruous, considering the NASM show was celebrating the RAF’s Centenial, this aircraft was flown in by a Royal Air Force crew. The RAF is scheduled to receive the first of their Poseidons in 2019. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A close-up of the Poseidon on arrivals day. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Tim Trimble arrives in his ex-RCAF Fairchild Cornell, a type which many British Commonwealth pilots trained during WWII. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Kaydet and Cornell shortly after arriving at the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A nice PT-17 Kaydet in stylized Royal Navy livery. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Tim Trimble shortly after shutting down the Cornell’s engine after arriving at the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster FM213 taxiis in to the Udvar-Hazy Center following its journey to the Great British Fly-in from Hamilton, Ontario. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Lancaster continues her march towards the Udvar-Hazy Center. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A nice shot of the Cornell and Lancaster taxiing in on arrivals day. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Flying both Canadian and RCAF flags from her cockpit, the Lancaster taxiis in at Dulles. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Lancaster preparing to shut down outside the main display hangar at the Smithsonian’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A beautiful shot of the Lancaster outside the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center shortly after shutting down her engines following the long flight from her home in Hamilton, Ontario. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A glorious shot of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster shortly after arriving at the Smithsonian’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in preparation for the Great British Fly-in celebrating the RAF’s Centenary on the following day. Note the large yellow decal just below the cockpit. It is honoring the 75th anniversary of the famous Dambuster raid of May 16/17th 1943. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A gallery showing images from the Great British Fly-in…
The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster on the apron in front of the Udvar-Hazy Center’s main display hangar before the public arrived to take in the show. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
RAF re-enactors setting up their tent at the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The massive bomb bay of the Avro Lancaster B.X. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The crowds swarm around the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster. Many of them took a peak inside the mighty Lancaster’s nose. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
John Session’s taxies in the Historic Flight Museum’s B-25D after landing following a cross-country flight all the way from the museum’s home in Everett, Washington. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
RAF re-enactors standing in front of the Historic Flight Museum’s B-25D Mitchell at the Great British Fly-in outside NASM’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia on April 15th, 2018. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
RAF re-enactors standing beside the Historic Flight Museum’s B-25D Grumpy. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The crowd at the Great British Fly-in lining up to take a look inside the Historic Flight Museum’s Mitchell. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
deHavilland Chipmunk T.10 WP833 taxies in after arriving for the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Richard Wilsher climbing out of his deHavilland Chipmunk shortly after arriving at the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Richard Wilsher standing proudly in front of his deHavilland Chipmunk. It took two days for Wilsher to fly the Chipmunk in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
John Sessions and Larry Ringsdorf standing in front of the Historic Flight Museum’s B-25D. Sessions, who founded the museum, flew the bomber all the way from its home at Paine Field in Everett, Washington just for this event. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
John Sessions poses in front of his Mitchell. Sessions flew Grumpy all the way across the country specifically to be at this event. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A WWII-era RAF Humber staff car. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Some of the crowd and participants at the Great British Fly-in framed against the flying wires of a deHavilland Chipmunk. A U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon is visible in the background, a type which will be entering RAF service in the near future (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Tim Trimble standing in front of his former RCAF Fairchild Cornell FZ337. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A WWI re-enactor wearing the uniform of the Royal Flying Corps. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
RAF re-enactors posing beside a jeep with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster B.X FM213 standing in the background beside the Udvar-Hazy Center. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Smithsonian’s recently acquired original Sopwith Camel F.1 B6291. This was one of Britain’s most formidable fighter aircraft during WWI. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
NASM’s Hawker Hurricane Mk.II. The Hurricane was instrumental in over-coming the Luftwaffe threat during the Battle of Britain (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Happy crowd’s taking a look inside the Candian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster B.X FM213 at the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
A view of the ramp from the Udvar-Hazy Center’s Donald Engen Observation Tower. The crowd can be seen appreciating the beautiful lines of the deHavilland Chipmunk T.10 and NAA B-25D Mitchell(photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
There were several presentations made at the Smithsonian’s Great British Fly-in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force becoming an independent air arm, the world’s first. Here Air Vice Marshall Gav Parker stands before the crowd. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Group Captain Willy Hackett, one of the RAF pilots who took part in the Lockheed F-35B Lightning II test flying program, talks about his experiences to the crowd. Other members on the stage, from left to right, include Rob Collings of the Collings Foundation, Heather Penney, and Dave Rohrer and Leon Evans of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Former USAF Lt. Heather Penney speaks before the crowd during the lecture at the Great British Fly-in. Penney became famous for her role on 9-11 when she and another pilot were tasked with ramming UAL Flight 93, if they had to, in order to prevent it from approaching Washington, DC. She is currently Director of U.S. Air Force Air Superiority at Lockheed-Martin and specializes in the F-35 program. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Rob Collings takes his turn at the mic. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Group Captain Willy Hackett describing test flying the F-35B, which will soon be joining the Royal Air Force. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
96-year old RAF Lancaster bomber pilot Flight Lieutenant Richard Boyd DFC was on hand at the Great British Fly-in to talk about his experiences during WWII. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Royal Air Force Band playing inside the National Air & Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center during the Great British Fly-in to celebrate the RAF’s Centenary. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Preparing the deHavilland Chipmunk for departure ahead of the approacing inclement weather. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Richard Wilsher taxiing out his deHavilland Chipmunk T.10 following the end of the Great British Fly-in . (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Tim Trimble leaving in his Fairchild Cornell. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The PT-17 Kaydet departing the festivities. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
John Sessions warming up Grumpy for departure. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Grumpy taxiis out for departure. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The U.S. Navy’s P-8 Poseidon preparing to depart the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Avro Lancaster starting up her engines outside the National Air & Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
Engines warming up, the Lancaster prepares to depart the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
The Lancaster leaving the festivities following the close of the Great British Fly-in. (photo by A.Kevin Grantham)
WarbirdsNews wishes to express our thanks to Kevin Grantham for his excellent report and images, and also to NASM’s Pat Robinson and Dave Schwartz who facilitated our great access to the event.
Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends.
After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups.
Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.