An even dozen Corsairs are now due to attend the Yankee Air Museum’s Thunder Over Michigan Air Show over the weekend of August 3/4 following news from the air show coordinator, Mike Luther, that the Lone Star Flight Museum’s F4U-5NL Bu.121881 has signed on to take part. And we expect this total to rise to a baker’s dozen before too long….. We will be sure to bring you those details once they are finalized.
It seems hard to believe that we have the prospect of seeing an entire ‘squadron’ of Corsairs on the ramp and in the air over Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan this summer, but that tantalizing prospect is now within reach. Of course, there is no guarantee that every scheduled participant will be able to take part on the day, but it’s easy to imagine double figures being in attendance now. Bravo to the Thunder Over Michigan team for all of their efforts on this magnificent endeavor!
The list of Corsair’s scheduled to attend is now as follows…
FG-1D Bu.67089 – Elenville, LLC
FG-1D Bu.88090/NZ5612 – Louis Horschel
FG-1D Bu.92468 – Commemorative Air Force – Dixie Wing
FG-1D Bu.92471 – Mid America Flight Museum
FG-1D Bu.92508 – Military Aviation Museum
F4U-4 Bu.97143 – Jim Tobul
F4U-4 Bu.97388 – Wings Of The North
F4U-5NL Bu.122179 – Collings Foundation
F4U-5NL Bu.121881 – Lone Star Flight Museum
F4U-5N Bu.123168 – Fighters & Legends
F4U-7 Bu.133710 – John O’Connor
F4U-7 Bu.133722 – Erickson Aircraft Collection
For those who love Corsairs, or simply vintage military aviation, you might like to check out the highly detailed article (written by your editor) about the last surviving Brewster-built Corsair in the most recent issue of Warbird Digest below…