Registration is now open for the 2024 National WWII Glider Pilot Association reunion/symposium in Dayton, OH, from October 2-5, 2024. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit two fantastic venues: the WACO Museum on Thursday and the National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF) on Friday. Dinners will be held in the museums, surrounded by WWII vintage airplanes, with exciting and engaging presentations following the meals.
Three WWII veterans are planning to attend this event, providing a rare opportunity to speak with them and learn firsthand about their experiences. The veterans include Fred Lunde, who participated in Market (Holland); Bill Cheolas, who was involved in Varsity (the invasion of Germany); and James Winnie, an expert in the snatch process on the C-47 and C-46 aircraft. Additionally, a cadre of cadets and officers from the Air Force Academy’s 94th Flying Training Squadron will be welcomed.
On Saturday, attendees will have another opportunity to visit the NMUSAF, followed by the Awards Banquet, an elegant evening held at the conference hotel. One unique highlight is the chance to win a WWII Troop Carrier quilt created by Susan Pinter, the granddaughter of Francis Arcier, the designer of the GC-4A glider.
Each evening, there will be opportunities to chat with other attendees in the hospitality room. This is a chance to meet new friends, reconnect with old ones, and enjoy a memorable experience with families, authors, historians, and fellow enthusiasts. Exclusive items, including a T-shirt, cap, and challenge coin, will be available only at the reunion. Don’t miss out; register today and join for a memorable time.