Friday November 15,2013 following an award ceremony that saw the Alberta Aviation Museum receive a national award for Outstanding Event of 2013 for their Starfighter Roll Out in August ,the President of the Alberta Aviation Museum Marvin Kowalchuk announced the development of the the Alberta Flying Heritage Museum (AFHM) program. This was made possible thanks to the generous support and assistance of Edmonton Airports. The Alberta Flying Heritage Museum will be located at the Villeneuve Airport, just 30 minutes northwest of Edmonton. Accordingly to the press release the Alberta Flying Heritage Museum will be an all new museum, separate and distinct from the current Alberta Aviation Museum. The two Museums will complement each other in collections and operations rather than compete.
The Alberta Flying Heritage Museum will be an active living museum with flying aircraft from Alberta’s history and create a home for active flying events and guest aircraft visits that were part of the Alberta Aviation Museum up to this point.“Aircraft flying on a regular basis, exhibits that children and adults can get into, an experience as opposed to just the exhibits and the artifacts.The Alberta Aviation Museum will now focus very specifically on the history of aviation in Edmonton” said Executive Director Tom Hinderks.
According to Alberta Aviation Museum Executive Director Tom Hinderks the AFHM is looking forward to being a key partner at Villenuve Airport and in Sturgeon County creating a new Historic attraction with a living experience as well as educational and tourism opportunities in Sturgeon County, St. Albert and the surrounding communities.
For the records The land was donated by Edmonton Airports and a 26,000 sq ft building donated by the federal government.