Tag: Handley Page Hampden

Aircraft Conservation Work Goes on Show at The RAF Museum

Visitors to the Royal Air Force Museum Cosford will have the opportunity to step inside…

Moreno Aguiari

Handley-Page Hampden Fuselage Whole Again at RAF Museum Cosford

*Handley Page Hampden TB Mk.I P1344, under restoration for the past decade or so at…

Moreno Aguiari

Behind the Scenes at the RAF Museum’s Restoration Center

The Royal Air Force Museum, like every major aircraft collection, has its own dedicated restoration…

Rare Aircraft on Show During Open Week

A rare example of a Handley Page Hampden being restored at the Royal Air Force…

Moreno Aguiari

RAF Museum Youth Apprentice Awarded Prize for Outstanding Service

Warbirds News believes in giving notice, when it's due, to the achievements of today's youth…

RAFM-Cosford Shows Progress on Hampden Restoration

The Michael Beetham Conservation Centre at the RAF Museum-Cosford held the latest of its popular…

Moreno Aguiari

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