Press Release: In 1961, four short years after its founding, the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) had rapidly gained members and support. This allowed the group to determinedly rescue even more of the aircraft that had helped win World War II. Since the U.S. government didn’t need the aircraft anymore, the metal that comprised them was worth more as scrap. As the government and the military had no plans to preserve these national treasures, the CAF members took it upon themselves to do so.
Between 1961 and 1963, the CAF acquired at least one of every kind of fighter that fought for the U.S. in the War. The early members of the CAF couldn’t have predicted the impact of their actions. All they knew was that these aircraft were important, needed to be preserved, and shown as they were intended – flying. 65 years later, our fleet, known as the Ghost Squadron, has grown to over 180 aircraft!
Your support makes it possible for the CAF to educate millions of people through airshows, museums, school presentations, and community outreach programs. A gift of any amount will help. And, if you’re able to send a gift of $65 or more, we’ll send you our specially designed CAF 65thAnniversary Ball Cap*.
Be among the first of our dedicated supporters to proudly wear this distinctive new cap. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Let’s “Keep ’em Flying!”
P.S. This promotion is only available while supplies last. Order your limited-edition CAF 65th Anniversary Ball Cap today*. *Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.