CAF Airbase Georgia Chief Pilot Receives FAA Master Pilot Award

Angela Decker
Stan Musick (R) receives the Wright Brothers Award from the local FAA representative


Stan Musick, the chief pilot for the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Airbase Georgia, has received the Master Pilot award from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Al Van Lengen, Principal Operations Inspector assigned to the Atlanta Flight Standards Office (FSDO), presented the award at Airbase Georgia. The Wright Brothers’ Master Pilot Award is widely considered the most prestigious award the FAA presents to pilots, specifically recognizing senior aviators who, as safety-minded professionals, have contributed more than 50 years to piloting aircraft. It is named after brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, the designers, builders, and pilots of the world’s first powered airplane.

Stan Musick portrait 1

Musick, of Locust Grove, Ga., received a certificate, gold lapel pin, and an official copy of his airman records as maintained by the Airmen Records & Certification branch in Oklahoma City, Okla. His name will be recorded in the Aviation Safety Roll of Honor at the FAA headquarters in Washington, D.C. He soloed in March 1973 in a Piper Tri-Pacer out of Tahoka, Texas, and received his FAA Private Pilot Certificate on June 29, 1973. He added an instrument rating on June 24, 1975, and received his Commercial Pilot Certificate on July 23, 1975. Musick also has ratings for multi-engine commercial, rotorcraft-helicopter, sea rating -single engine, glider aero tow, DC-B26, BE-300, airline transport pilot, and various experimental aircraft.


He is certified as a single-engine and multi-engine flight instructor, glider flight instructor, instrument flight instructor and is rated for small, unmanned aircraft systems. He was recently appointed as a designated pilot examiner conducting checkrides for various ratings, and he is an Airman Medical Examiner. He became an A&P mechanic in 1991. Musick currently flies for Columbia Basin Helicopters as a SEAT (single-engine air tanker) pilot flying low-level fires, and he is a contract pilot for Musick Aircraft Corp.

About the CAF Airbase Georgia Warbird Museum
CAF Airbase Georgia, based in Peachtree City, Ga., was founded in 1987. The Airbase is one of the largest units of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF). The group maintains and flies six vintage military aircraft including a P-51 Mustang, an FG-1D Corsair, an SBD Dauntless, an LT-6 Mosquito, PT-19 Cornell and a P-63A Kingcobra. The Airbase, composed of more than 500 volunteer members, is a founding partner of the Georgia WWII Heritage Trail launched in 2021. The Airbase is part of the CAF, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that relies on contributions of time and funds to conduct its mission. For more information, go to

Watch our interview with Stan Musick about flying the FG-1D Corsair in the movie Devotion.


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Angela Decker, from McPherson, Kansas, discovered her passion for aviation after earning a Master’s in Military History from Norwich University in 2011. Since 2012, she has volunteered with vintage aviation groups, excelling as a social media content creator and coordinator. Angela has coordinated aviation and WWII events, appeared as Rosie the Riveter, and is restoring a Stearman aircraft. She is the Operations Logistics Coordinator at CAF Airbase Georgia and an accountant with a degree in Economics from the University of Georgia. Her son, Caden, shares her love for aviation and history and is studying Digital Media Arts.
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