RAF Museum-London Asks for Public Input for World War One Exhibition

Moreno Aguiari
Moreno Aguiari
AirCorps Restorations

Historic 1917 Grahame-White factory and hangar buildings at RAFM-London (photo credit: The Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum)
Historic 1917 Grahame-White factory and hangar buildings at RAFM-London
(photo credit: The Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum)
The RAF Museum-London is enlisting the public in choosing the exhibits that will be featured in the celebration of the centenary of the the First World War. The museum has set up a pinterest page entitled 100 First Air War Objects and are asking viewers to select their favorite five items for inclusion within the exhibition as well as setting up a survey for the public to indicate what types of displays they would most like to see.

The solicitation of public input is being performed in conjunction with the revamping of the displays and the submission of a bid for over a million dollars of funding from the British Heritage Lottery Fund. The WW1 exhibition will be centerpiece of the museum’s Grahame-White factory watch and hangar buildings which date back to 1917 and were painstakingly disassembled and reassembled brick by brick at their new location on the museum grounds a few years ago.

Aircorps Art Dec 2019
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Born in Milan, Italy, Moreno moved to the U.S. in 1999 to pursue a career as a commercial pilot. His aviation passion began early, inspired by his uncle, an F-104 Starfighter Crew Chief, and his father, a military traffic controller. Childhood adventures included camping outside military bases and watching planes at Aeroporto Linate. In 1999, he relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, to obtain his commercial pilot license, a move that became permanent. With 24 years in the U.S., he now flies full-time for a Part 91 business aviation company in Atlanta. He is actively involved with the Commemorative Air Force, the D-Day Squadron, and other aviation organizations. He enjoys life with his supportive wife and three wonderful children.
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