The People’s Mosquito: Operation Jericho – Update 7

Platinum B 729

The People’s Mosquito has just announced the latest update in their fundraising campaign, dubbed Operation Jericho, and what these funds have already initiated. They began this campaign just twelve weeks ago, and have raised more than 40% of the £250,000 budget to complete both of the fuselage moulds for their deHavilland Mosquito project, along with money for construction of the fuselage itself. They have added more in the interim, and Retrotec are making real progress with the construction of the moulds as well. We thought our readers would enjoy reading their update and consider contributing themselves…

£100,000 RAISED!


We are pleased to announce thanks to your generosity that the campaign hit £100,000 raised in 12 weeks. We are most grateful and in true Mossie fashion ‘blown away’ by this success. Thank you!

Donation = Progress

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Nearly all of the in-fill sections have been added to Mould A at this point. You can see the wood shavings on the floor as the technicians plane down the jelutong wood from the in-fill sections to achieve the correct fuselage profile. (image via People’s Mosquito)

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One of the technicians checking the shape of Mould A as it is carefully planed into the correct profile. (image via People’s Mosquito)

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Mould A is very close to completion, as can be seen in this image here. (image via People’s Mosquito)

The pictures above show Mould ‘A’ is nearing completion. Retrotec has been focused on the last forward infill sections. Then our attention will turn to Mould ‘B’! We will need donations to complete the pair of moulds.

Would you like to help?

Still More Great Opportunities To Sponsor The Moulds


All down to your generous donations the Operation Jericho 2020 campaign is excellent making progress.

Our campaign to build the Mosquito fuselage moulds comprises of 5 unique packages starting at only £25. Please click on the link below for the exclusive package details.

The People’s Mosquito also recently announced the acquisition of a rare, complete control column as used on a Mosquito FB.VI. This control column was fitted to the Canadian-built equivalent, an FB.26, which de Havilland Canada built at their factory in Downsview, Ontario, but the design is essentially the same. Finding one this complete, and in such good condition is very rare, and will save the project considerable funding over having to make one from scratch. The control stick is, in many ways, part of the DNA of a Mosquito fighter-bomber!

As such, the People’s Mosquito has come up with a Unique Opportunity To Sponsor The Column

Would you like to sponsor this artifact and have your name, the name of a loved one, or your company immortalized on this control column? If yes, we are looking for £5,000.

In addition to your name being added, we will also tailor unique access for you to view Mosquito RL249 around this Mossie ‘DNA’.

If you are interested, and want to add your name to history with this unique offering, then please click here!

Those of you that wish to make a regular donation to save towards the reward package of your choice. Please click on the link below.

Regular Donations Page Here 

It’s a simple and effective way for you to take part.
Please also email us at [email protected] to inform us of your regular donation

Aircorps Art Dec 2019
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Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends. After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups. Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.
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