Tag: Yanks Air Museum

Yanks UH-1H Huey Unveiling

As reported few days ago after many years of searching for a UH-1H Huey to add…

Moreno Aguiari

Yanks Air Museum’s UH-1H Huey

After many years of searching for a UH-1H Huey to add to the Yanks Air's…

Moreno Aguiari

Yanks Air Museum to Debut new “Planes” Ride for the Kiddies August 17th

Capitalizing on what will surely be full-blown Planes hysteria following the debut of Disney's much-hyped…

Moreno Aguiari

Yanks Air Museum Open Cockpit Day- 6/15/13

Yanks Air Museum in Chino, California will be hosting an "Open Cockpit Day" on June…

Moreno Aguiari

Planes of Fame Air Show Lightning Strikes Chino Aptly Named

The Planes of Fame Air Museum's 2013 Air Show in Chino, California, entitled "Lightning Strikes…

Moreno Aguiari

Yanks Air Museum Takes Delivery of F-104 Starfighter

Planes often have to be shipped from the other side of the earth to join…

Moreno Aguiari

Yanks Air Museum Bomber Open Cockpit Day- 4/20/13

Yanks Air Museum in Chino, California will be hosting their "Bomber Open Cockpit Day" on…

Moreno Aguiari

Yanks Air Museum Top Gun Open Cockpit Day- 3/16/13

Yanks Air Museum in Chino, California will be hosting their "Top Gun Open Cockpit Day"…

Moreno Aguiari