Historic Aussie Mustang Flies Again!

Richard Mallory Allnutt (Chief Editor)
Richard Mallory Allnutt (Chief Editor)
Mustang A68-104 lifts into the air for the first time in fifteen years. (photo by David Jones)
AirCorps Restorations

by James Kightly – Vintage Aero Writer

Appropriately on Australia Day, January 26th, 2023, an Australian-built and restored Mustang Mk.21 took to the skies again after a long term rebuild. The former Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) fighter, serial number A68-104, made its first post-restoration flight from Essendon Fields Airport in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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The CAC Mustang production line at Fishermans Bend near Melbourne, Australia. (image via State Library of South Australia)

The Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation originally built this CA-18, equivalent to its cousin the North American P-51D/K, at their factory at Fishermans Bend, in greater Melbourne during 1947. Following a decade with the RAAF, it passed into civilian ownership in 1958. It has been on the Australian civil register as VH-BOB since the 1970s, an apt choice given the name of the its long-term owner, Robert ‘Bob’ Eastgate, who sadly died in 2020.

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Before BOB’s forced landing in 2008, the team had fitted a set of inert 5 inch rockets, as seen here. We will cover this Mustang’s fascinating story in greater detail in the future. (photo by James Kightly)

Hundreds of people enjoyed back seat rides in the Mustang over 38 years of private flying, but on April 5th, 2008 a mechanical failure in one of the clamshell door hinges prevented the gear from lowering. Consequently, VH-BOB had to make a belly landing at RAAF Point Cook, its home base at the time some 14 miles (22 km) from Melbourne. John Dorward, VH-BOB’s pilot, performed the forced landing so skillfully on the drought-hardened grass runway that his passenger confounded news reporters on the day by saying he’d sign up for the first post-restoration flight! Mustang owners were advised about the mechanical issue soon after the incident and, following inspection, several  aircraft had their clamshell door linkages replaced.


An official film of the 2008 landing incident which the Country Fire Authority (CFA) of Victoria’s government published is seen below. The qualified comment and commentary on the event proved accurate once the aircraft had received a full examination.

As the video above reveals, Dorward put the aircraft down so gently that the Mustang incurred only minimal damage to its underside – the mainplane itself never actually touched the ground. While the aircraft could have returned to flight relatively quickly, the Eastgate family decided to take this opportunity to strip the aircraft right down to component parts and perform a complete rebuild, as a ‘birthday’ present (their words) for the aircraft. Up until then, the Mustang had never been dismantled since its construction.

Robbie Eastgate, Bob’s son, already a driving force behind the machine’s exceptionally high quality restoration, continued its rebuild following the loss of his father. He received significant support from a notable team, the Eastgate family itself, and from the global Mustang community too of course.

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Rob Eastgate (left) and Paul Carmody monitor an engine run at Essendon airport. (photo by David Jones)


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CAC Mustang A68-104 (VH-BOB) taxiing at Essendon Fields Airport, with Melbourne’s skyline as a backdrop. Interestingly, this Mustang has spent most of its life since its construction around Melbourne, Victoria, albeit with periodic interstate excursions. (photo by David Jones)

Long-term warbird pilot Peter ‘BD’ Clements performed the aircraft’s successful first post-restoration flight on January 26th. Mustang and Merlin engine expert, David Jones, was on hand to document the event with the accompanying images. Commenting on VH-BOB’s return to the skies, Clements noted: “The whole Eastgate family have supported and been involved in this 52 year ownership and operation. This aircraft is unbelievable in the depth and detail of this restoration and it performed flawlessly.” Clements also noted, somewhat humorously, that the restoration’s superb quality gave him only one real concern – he had worried about scratching the aircraft’s paintwork while climbing into the cockpit! With the milestone first flight completed, the restoration team celebrated their achievement with some well-earned drinks and toasted the memory of the late Bob Eastgate. Once the test flying process is completed, VH-BOB will return to the pleasure flying warbird rides business, and we will report further on this historic Mustang’s interesting journey.

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Touchdown – A68-104 lands after her first post-restoration flight! Pilot Peter Clements has extensive experience flying Mustangs. (photo by David Jones)

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A portrait (by Rob Fox) of the late Bob Eastgate pictured on VH-BOB’s wing with one of his favorite wines. (photo by David Jones)

In other Aussie Mustang news, this week saw another of the nation’s remaining handful of domestically-built Mustangs return to the skies, this being CAC Mustang Mk.21 A68-105 (VH-JUC), which flew again following undercarriage and engine maintenance. Safely in the hands of Bernie Heuser, chief engineer for the Old Aeroplane Company, this flight took place in Tyabb, Victoria.

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Mustang A68-105 (VH-JUC) is seen on takeoff after some extensive engine and undercarriage maintenance was completed on 22 January 2023. The colors are those of Squadron Leader P Nash, commanding officer of No.3 Squadron RAAF in Italy, 1944. (photo by Duncan Fenn)

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Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends. After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups. Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.
  • I’ve only been on your mail for a short time,but how my heart leapt when seeing that Mustang’s designation;A68-104!Albeit from Jan. And how sad to hear of Bob’s passing.Vale. The best money I spent in my life was in May ’97,when I treated myself to a flight in VH-BOB;my 50th. birthday. Have several pics. still on my walls and in flight video. Further to that,took my 85yr. old dad to the Int. Air show at Avalon and visited Pt.Cook where dad did his RAAF training in ’43. 2003,centenary of powered flight.Bob and his mechanic were intensely interested in my dad’s war service as an airframe fitter in the Northern Territory and while I just wandered around the hanger they were deep on discussion for the best part of an hour. They were in in fact on the point of closing up and going for lunch!! Respect given,and respect shown! Thank you,Bob Eastgate. Rob Gilbert. Sth. Aust.

  • Hi. I flew at Shellharbour in VH-BOB in 2006 as a competition winner, the pilot was Peter Clements. We dive-bombed the pelicans on the islands off Port Kembla’s Hill 60. Very exciting! I have tried to follow post 2008 restoration, but with Flightpath closing that has been difficult. I did know that the restoration was extensive. Surprisingly, I have just seen a review of the very recent airshow at Scone, NSW. Now I have been able to catch up with developments and its complete history (along with that of A68-187 which I photographed at Canberra in about 1980 fitted with the Rolls Royce dart turbo). Interestingly to me that its first post-restoration flight, and that at Scone, was performed by Peter Clements. Well done to all. I will continue to follow appearances. Peter.

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