It really shouldn’t, but it continues to amaze us the things that go up and often sell on eBay. From the vintage de Havilland parts that went into Jerry Yagen’s Mosquito to a complete Consolidated PBY Catalina presenly heading from Puerto Rico to Australia. Even a canopy for a plane that never went into production, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II has been up for grabs on the auction site. However it all pales in comparison, both in cost and sheer lust-worthiness when compared to the Ex-Royal Navy Harrier Jet currently on offer on the giant auction site. There’s currently no bids, but you’ll need to act soon, as the auction ends on July 4th.
(Image Credit: Rathmines Catalina Memorial Park Trust)
Oh, if we only had that kind of scratch laying around. The plane, a British Aerospace Sea Harrier, serial number ZD615 is located in Alberta, Canada and is described thusly:
“This aircraft is in outstanding condition and comes with a Rolls-Royce Pegasus MK107 engine, a parts donor extra fuselage and another Harrier cockpit that can be used for display or the basis of a simulator. Built in 1986, converted to the latest FA2 standard in 1997 and last flown in 2001, this aircraft will require several parts before it can be flown again and is being sold as not airworthy – for display purposes only.”
That’s it. No further information given, though “Further pictures and details are available for serious bidders only.” While we most certainly couldn’t possibly be bidders, serious or otherwise, and likely if you have a Harrier to sell or are in the market for one, this is enough to make the connection, but it is amusing that there’s less information and effort put into the bid page than what would be the minimum to sell a 10-year old $500 economy car. I guess when you’re talking about a Harrier Jump Jet, it’s ALWAYS a sellers market.