The 50th SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo takes place from April 9-14 at the Lakeland Linder International Airport in Lakeland, Florida. Among the annual Expo crowd favorites is Victory’s Arsenal Theatre, a daily showcase of select “warbirds” – historic military aircraft – and the stories of those who flew them in harm’s way. Each aircraft type to be featured played significant roles in WWII, Korea, or other conflicts, and were made famous by the likes of the Doolittle Raiders, Tuskegee Airmen, and other heroic pilots and crewmembers.
Starting on Wednesday, April 10th, Victory’s Arsenal Theatre will present an aircraft each morning in front of the grandstands on the SUN ‘n FUN warbird ramp. At 10:00 am and again at 11:30 am, the pilot or owner of the aircraft will share their unique personal insight and history of that warbird’s service. Featured aircraft include everything from a venerable Ryan PT-19 trainer to a twin-engine B-25 Mitchell bomber to an iconic tri-tail Lockheed Constellation once used as a transport by General Douglas MacArthur and President Eisenhower.
[wbn_ads_google_one]Serving as the Victory’s Arsenal Theater master-of-ceremonies will be Ron Kaplan, former executive director of the National Aviation Hall of Fame and a contributing editor to Flight Journal Magazine. Based in Dayton, Ohio, Ron is also the founder of the Ohio Air & Space Hall of Fame and Learning Center and operates Warbird Aviation Art, hand-painting unit insignia, and authentic WWII nose-art on flight jackets and aluminum for collectors worldwide.