As many of our readers will be well aware, Avro Lancaster B.VII NX611 ‘Just Jane’ is under restoration to airworthy condition with the Lincoln Aviation Heritage Center at former RAF East Kirkby in Lincolnshire, England. We have been reporting on their progress periodically, and we thought that our readers might like to see their most recent report, reproduced here with permission…
The Rivet Club – Newsletter 89
by Andrew Panton
This week the structures have progressed nicely and the engine snags have been listed for completing.
Kev and Keith in structures have made the panels for the trailing edge and started on all of the skins for the wing tips. There’s lots of work in these when you count the hundreds, if not thousands, of holes on each side of the wing tip. The panels are all ready to be primed and the internal faces top coated in the paint shop so they can be riveted together.
The wing tip skins are in the process of being made and drilled ready for paint. Kev has moved onto riveting the anchor nut strips into the trailing edge, and he’ll soon have finished that job. He can then move back onto the wing tips once the jigs are set up.
We have received the jig for the port wingtip. The starboard wingtip has gone to the welder to help with the production of its own jig. By the end of the week, we hope to set up the first wing tip jig.
The tail turret support ring structure has been coming apart and revealing some good bits and some bad bits. The steel ring and the extrusion it bolts too are showing signs of corrosion, whereas the majority of the structure below them looks to be quite good. Whether its leaking hydraulic fluid that has preserved it, or if we’ve just been lucky, we’re not sure yet!
The engines have been progressing through their normal winter servicing regime while also getting a thorough examination to make sure they are correctly set up and meet the required specifications. Our team removed the number 1 radiator and oil cooler . These will go along with the number 4 set for a flush and pressure test as we start to certify them for airworthiness.
The spare aileron has now come apart completely. We have dimpled and de-burred it thoroughly wherever required. It now sits waiting for all of the parts to be painted. Bear in mind, however, that there are about eight individual parts that make up each rib!
Jim has been thoroughly servicing the flaps and as part of this process, he has replaced some very tired parts. The flaps close up to the wing trailing edge with two rows of rubber buffers which are basically extruded rubber strips with a ‘P’ shaped cross section. These buffers stop the structures from touching, rubbing and chattering.
Next week should see us getting far deeper into the wingtip structure and the tail turret ring structure as we fill our racking with parts!
Thanks for your support!
Andrew Panton
That’s all for this particular update. We hope that you have enjoyed reading it. As can be seen, a lot of work remains to be done, but the aircraft is well on the way back to flying condition. It is being done in a methodical and careful manner in order to keep the aircraft available for ground-running operations during the summer months. For those interested in helping support this important project, please click HERE
Be sure to check out their store HERE as well… there are many cool items to buy which will help get Just Jane back in the air!