The Collings Foundation‘s F-4 Phantom II is now the only flying example of its kind in North America. She took to the skies again in the capable hands of former US Air Force ‘Rhino’-driver Harry “D-Day” Daye at 10:50am local time on August 8th, 2017 from Ellington Field in Houston, Texas. Listed on the US civil registry as N749CF, the 1965-built McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II once flew with the USAF as 65-0749. She is currently painted in the markings of 66-7680, an aircraft that the legendary Col. Robin Olds’ flew during Operation Bolo in the Viet Nam War. Click HERE to read the full article.


Vintage Aviation Publications Acquires Warbirds News

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Vintage Aviation Publications, publisher of Warbird Digest, ( announced the acquisition of Warbirds News (, the popular online news platform dedicated to warbird restoration and aviation museums. Warbird Digest itself was recently re-acquired by its original founder, Tim Savage, who first created the publication in 2004. As part of a strategic development plan, Savage wants to add a strong digital component to the company, hence the acquisition of Warbirds News.


Texas Flying Legends Museum’s P-51C Mustang ‘Lopes Hope 3rd’ Flies!

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Lope’s Hope 3rd is pulled from the hangar. (photo by John LaTourelle via AirCorps Aviation)

On Monday October 16th, 2017, P-51C Lope’s Hope 3rd flew for the first time since 1946. The flight took place in Bemidji, Minnesota after an intensive, three-year restoration effort at AirCorps Aviation. This is the third, highly authentic Mustang restoration that AirCorps has completed since 2011. Click HERE to read the full article.

Italian Air Force Museum Unveils Reggiane Re. 2002

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Photo by Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare

A freshly restored Regiane Re.2002 was unveiled in October during a ceremony held at the Italian Air Force Museum, at Vigna di Valle, near Rome, Italy. The only complete example on display of three known survivors, the aircraft was restored using an 80 percent complete airframe that the museum has owned since 1970. Missing parts, such as the engine, propeller, cowling and portions of the left wing were either sourced or built new for the project, which is based on Serial No. 126, an aircraft that had been built for use by the Luftwaffe, mainly on anti-partisan duties in France. Click HERE to read the full article.


EXODUS: Getting Boeing C-97G ‘Angel of Deliverance’ Out of New York!

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Angel of Deliverance successfully lifts off from Floyd Bennet Field this morning. (photo by Ricardo von Puttkammer)

When Tim Chopp, founder of the Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation (BAHF), acquired Boeing C-97G Stratofreighter 52-2718 just over twenty years ago, he had no idea of the odyssey that awaited his organization. It seemed inconceivable in May, 2002, when the venerable cargo plane landed at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, that it would not fly again for another fifteen years! Now, after a decade and a half of determined labor, the BAHF is preparing to escape the bounds of this closed airfield, turned National Park. Click HERE to read the full article.


‘That’s All, Brother’ Runs Her Engines!

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“That’s All, Brother” successfully starts her port engine for the first time! (photo – screen capture from CAF video)

The Commemorative Air Force announced that their D-Day veteran Douglas C-47 Skytrain That’s All, Brother successfully ran her engines for the first time in many years. This famous aircraft was amongst the first to cross the Normandy beaches on D-Day, leading the main paratrooper force during the Allied invasion of Europe on June 6th, 1944. She is currently under restoration at Basler Turbo Conversion’s facilities in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Click HERE to read the full article.

Combat Veteran C-47 Takes Flight

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Sunset trip, the Turin Aviation Group’s C-47B 43-48950 during her recent first flight. (photo by Moose Peterson)

In early December, a historic Douglas C-47 took to the skies again for the first time in many years, flying from Keystone Heights Airport in Starke to Tampa Executive Airport in Tampa, Florida. C-47B 43-48950 served with the famous IX Troop Carrier Command, 52nd Troop Carrier Wing, 315th Troop Carrier Group, 34th Troop Carrier Squadron during WWII and participated in several combat actions, including Operation Varsity, the largest ever airborne assault to take place on the same day and location. Thousands of aircraft and over 16,000 paratroopers took part in the March 25th, 1945 Allied push across the northern Rhine River into the heart of Nazi Germany. Click HERE to read the full article.

And that’s how we conclude 2017. WarbirdsNews wishes to thank our many readers for their continued support, and looks forwards to growing our coverage in collaboration with our new colleagues at Warbird Digest Magazine….

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