Today we have another engine test. The first test of this engine was performed in 2007 on Starfighter LN-STF which belongs to the Norwegian association “Friends of the Starfighter” and was performed at the Royal Norwegian Air Force’s Bodø Main Air Station. According to Harry Prins, the managing editor of of the website International F-104 Society, on March 15th, a sponsorship agreement with Kongsberg Defence Systems was successfully negotiated by the team restoring the Starfighter.
“Friends of the Starfighter” was officially founded in Bodø on January 16, 2003. The goal of the association is to be the caretakers of Starfighter history within Norway and to support the work required to get CF-104D,637 back in the air again.
Here is a video of the Engine test.
The “Friends of the Starfighter” group have all the personnel required for the project, the largest obstacle will be raising the funds required. In order to succeed, the team will need the help of Starfighter fans around the world. Membership fees from local communities will not provide enough funds to get 637 airborne. However a membership contribution of NOK400, (+/- $70.00 US) from enthusiasts from all over the world will give “Friends of the Starfighter” the needed support and bring them closer to reaching their goal.
If you are interested in supporting this project, please email Terje Busterud > Email or visit