The Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington has just announced a series of flying events at Boeing Field during the week of June 16th through 22nd. The Commemorative Air Force’s Boeing B-29 Superfortress known as “Fifi” will arrive at the Museum at roughly 12pm on Monday, June 16th. The unique bomber will be open for ground tours from 2 pm to 6 pm on that day. Tours of the aircraft will be available on June 17th to 18th from 9 am to 6 pm. The fees are $10 adults, $5 for children aged 11 to 18, and free for children 10 and under. The public is encouraged to come to the Museum before noon on June 16th for free viewing of the bomber’s fly-in arrival. While rides in “Fifi” will not be available from Boeing Field, the CAF will be selling rides in her at nearby Paine Field in Everett, Washington from June 19th to 22nd. The details can be found HERE. The aircraft will be undergoing maintenance at Paine Field from June 23rd through July 6th, and available for viewing during that time. For more information see the Commemorative Air Force online.
The Collings Foundation’s B-17G Flying Fortress, B-24J Liberator and TP-51C Mustang will be visiting the Museum of Flight between June 20th and 22nd. They should be arriving from their stop in Bremerton, WA early on Friday, June 20th. The B-17 will be conducting a media ride at around 2pm that day. Ground tours will be available during their stay, and these will be free for WWII veterans. Tours and rides are available Friday, June 20th from 2 to 5 pm, and during the weekend of June 21st to 22nd from 10 am to 5 pm. Flights are available on each airplane. For information on flight reservations and costs, call 978-562-9182 or visit the Collings Foundation online.