As these words were being typed, Dynamic Aviation’s magnificent Lockheed VC-121A Constellation, Columbine II was in the air just east of El Paso, Texas. She is on the way to Mount Pleasant, Texas from her long-time home in Marana, Arizona. The roughly 1,000 mile journey is expected to take about five hours, and should see her land today sometime between 3 and 4pm local time. Mount pleasant is the home of Scott Glover’s Mid America Flight Museum, and as all our readers should know well by now, volunteers from that museum have played a key roll in getting Columbine II airworthy again. The Connie will overnight in Mount Pleasant, and if all goes according to plan, Columbine II will make the final thousand mile leg of her journey to Bridgewater, Virginia on Tuesday. There will undoubtedly be much, well-earned celebration at each destination on her journey, and we can’t wait to see her safely home!
Here are some marvelous images from earlier today during her run-up and takeoff in Marana courtesy of and Zdenek Kaspar… Many thanks to them indeed!!!
Do you have a approx. ETA for arrival at Bridgwater Va. I would love to see her fly in . Thanks, and congrats !
She was to have arrived at Bridgewater between 2-4pm, according to Dynamic Aviation, however, the flight has now been delayed until tomorrow (23rd March) for unpublished reasons. My best guess is that it will be a late afternoon arrival when she does fly. We will do our best to keep you posted though!
Who was the PIC on flight out of Marana to the east coast? What is the pilots background?
Thank you.