The Director, Naval History and Heritage Command invites the public to attend a meeting detailing the Navy’s Trade and Exchange Program at 1:00 PM CST on 12 March 2019 at the National Naval Aviation Museum; 1750 Radford Blvd., Suite C; Pensacola, FL 32508. The meeting will be open to the public and include an overview and current status of the Program as outlined in 10 USC 2572. The meeting will then shift to public comment on improving visibility, interest, access, and participation in the Trade and Exchange Program.

A phone call-in line will also be provided for those unable to attend in person. To ensure an adequate number of call-in lines, please RSVP to Ms. Robbie Musgrove at [email protected] no later than 8 March 2019, if you plan to call in to the meeting. For further information, or to provide a comment or suggestion for the Program via email, contact Ms. Robbie Musgrove at [email protected]


Business Rules for Museum Exchange Meeting on 12 March 2019

1. This meeting is informational and for fact-finding purposes. No decisions will be made at the meeting. Comments provided by attendees will be reviewed and considered for the purpose of revitalizing and executing the Museum Exchange Program.

2. The public comment portion of this meeting is intended to be an open discussion of ideas.

3. Parties wishing to speak must first be recognized by the moderator. After being recognized, a party will have up to five minutes to comment on the topic being discussed. If the party has additional comment on the topic after the five-minute period expires, the party may provide further comment via email to the meeting note taker.

4. Comments will be documented by the meeting note taker and responded to in writing as appropriate following the meeting.

5. Parties may not make digital or electronic recordings of the meeting.