In March 2020 the Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum closed its doors due to COVID-19. At that time the museum transferred ownership while maintaining the utmost care and preservation of the entire collection.
The opening weekend will be May 27 and 28 and each following Saturday and Sunday until June 14 when the museum will kick off its newly established weekly schedule, opening from Wednesday to Sunday.
Museum visits will be ticketed in advance and have the potential to sell out. Please be sure to reserve and purchase your tickets before planning your visit. Tickets will be available on the Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum website beginning May 1: FHCAM – Home (
“It has been an honor and privilege to be a part of building the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum since 2007, and seeing the inspiration these amazing artifacts have brought to our community, has been wonderful,” said Adrian Hunt, Executive Director of Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum (FHCAM). He continued “Our team has been working tirelessly to prepare for visitors and to share one of the most amazing collections of wartime history in the world. We’d like to offer a heartfelt thank you to the Everett community, our FHCAM team, and our amazing volunteers for their support and dedication in preparation for our Memorial Day weekend opening.”
Amber Richards, Director of Operations at Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum (FHCAM) added “In March of 2020, Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum announced its temporary closure. It’s nothing short of incredible to be opening three years after closure, at a time that we pause in remembrance of those who lost their lives in service to our nation. This collection is truly meaningful to me; as an Air Force Veteran, I walk these hangars with a deep understanding and appreciation of the personal sacrifice these artifacts represent. It’s an honor to share these stories with the public this Memorial Day weekend.”