Tag: DC-3 Society

DC-3 Society Announces Organizational Changes In Advance Of 90th Anniversary

The society provides an update on its future now operating as a standalone entitiy.

Emma Quedzuweit

D-Day Squadron Announces 2024 Europe Mission Theme, and Film DVD Release

PRESS RELEASE Oxford, Connecticut – November 11, 2022: Commemorating this year’s Veteran’s Day, a special…

Moreno Aguiari

D-Day Squadron Documentary Premiere at National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The Air Force Museum Foundation Living History Series invites you to the film premiere of…

Moreno Aguiari

D-Day Squadron Advances Support of Young Historians Program with Warbird Digest Collaboration

Throughout their existences, both the D-Day Squadron and Warbird Digest Magazine have focused heavily upon…

Moreno Aguiari

D-Day Squadron Officially Launches the DC-3 Society

PRESS RELEASE - Days shy of flying the Arsenal of Democracy in Washington, D.C., the…

Moreno Aguiari