The People’s Mosquito – Project Update – February, 2018

Richard Mallory Allnutt (Chief Editor)
Richard Mallory Allnutt (Chief Editor)
An undercarriage leg drawing for the deHavilland Mosquito, one of more than 22,000 Mosquito microfilm drawings recovered and digitized by the People's Mosquito project. This cache of drawings is going to change the way the project proceeds with the design. (image via People's Mosquito)
Platinum B 729

The deHavilland dH.98 Mosquito is arguably one of the most iconic combat aircraft of WWII, if not of all time. However, the type, due to its wooden construction, has not survived in great numbers. But a renaissance of the Wooden Wonder is certainly well under way at present with three Mosquitos taking to the skies in the last decade after a long drought, and several more in the pipeline. One of the groups working hard in this endeavor is The People’s Mosquito in the United Kingdom. They have been pursuing the dream of returning a deHavilland Mosquito to flight in England for the past five or so years, and have made great strides to this end. Periodically, WarbirdsNews has covered their efforts, but one of the most important gains we have reported is their recovery and digitization of more than 20,000 original Mosquito drawings on microfilm. These drawings had been on the brink of destruction with the demolition of the storage building that housed them at a former deHavilland factory in England. Thankfully, this did not happen, and the People’s Mosquito team were able to preserve and record them for posterity. Originally, the People’s Mosquito planned to have the bulk of the restoration work for their project carried out in New Zealand, where specialist companies such as AvSpecs Ltd and Aerowood have been instrumental in relearning the techniques required to build new Mosquito airframes. In fact Aerowood has already been working with the People’s Mosquito, manufacturing a new set of wing ribs. However, with the newly discovered knowledge gained from the set of microfilm drawings, The People’s Mosquito project has decided to bring more of the fabrication process back to the UK. We will let the People’s Mosquito continue the discussion of this latest development with their recent press release…

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Just some of the 22,300 or so microfilm drawings for the deHavilland Mosquito which the People’s Mosquito project has saved and digitized. (image via The People’s Mosquito)


The People’s Mosquito Ltd, a UK-based charity dedicated to restoring a De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.VI to UK skies, is in detailed discussions to bring a significant proportion of the restoration build back to the UK.

The decision follows the culmination of months of effort behind the scenes in reviewing and analysing more than 22,300 De Havilland technical drawings, donated to The People’s Mosquito (TPM) in late 2016 by Airbus UK, and with the full approval of BAE. Following our decision to digitise the drawings for posterity, Ross Sharp, TPM’s Director of Engineering and Airframe Compliance, has been systemically cataloguing this treasure trove of Mosquito-related data throughout 2017, unearthing the hidden engineering details behind this iconic aircraft’s success.
Up until now, the restoration project would have seen The People’s Mosquito built entirely in New Zealand, under the proven expertise of Mosquito Restorations, Aerowood and Ardmore-based warbird restoration specialists, Avspecs. Following the issue of an Export Certificate of Airworthiness by the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, the complete aircraft would have been exported to the UK. This model was not only considered the quickest and ‘easiest’ route to deliver an airworthy Mosquito, it was the only route. Warbird restorers in New Zealand had built up an extensive, but incomplete library of De Havilland Mosquito drawings, which has enabled the teams to successfully deliver two airworthy Mosquitoes for North American customers. These aircraft operate under a Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Experimental airworthiness certification, which limits those aircraft to essentially air display only.
Under the revised plan, The People’s Mosquito will continue to partner with Mosquito Restorations, Aerowood and Avspecs in delivering the wooden structural components, including fuselage and wings. However, all forgings, control surfaces, undercarriage, key aircraft systems, as well as engines will be delivered, installed and tested in the UK.

Technical data paves the way for a UK-built Mosquito

“The wealth of technical data we have unearthed over the past few months, coupled with an extensive network of specialist aerospace companies in the UK, means we now have the technical specifications and capability to complete the assembly of RL249, here in the UK,” explains John Lilley, Managing Director.
The Mosquito was a superb example of British innovation and engineering. In 1940, when aeronautical designers and manufacturers were focused on metal monocoque designs, Sir Geoffrey De Havilland bucked the trend and delivered a composite airframe that was without equal for many years in terms of performance. The ‘Mossie’ as it became affectionately known, ultimately helped to change the way we build aircraft today.
“The Mosquito truly was the People’s aircraft – manufacture was de-centralised across the UK, and eventually Canada and Australia. More than 400 small and medium-sized businesses, including furniture makers up and down the country as well as cottage industries played a central role in supplying the components for assembly. By shifting our project back to the UK, we honour that heritage in the best possible way, while supporting the UK’s own highly skilled and dedicated aerospace and warbird restoration sectors.”

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Another of the technical drawings for the deHavilland Mosquito recently digitized by the People’s Mosquito project. (image via The People’s Mosquito)

Supporters will benefit from an accessible project

The decision also reflects many conversations with supporters and members of the public who frequently voiced their ultimate desire to see a Mosquito FB.VI built in the UK. “We were always mindful of that desire to see the aircraft built here, in its spiritual home, but we needed to ensure we had the necessary technical knowledge and OEM specifications to be able to achieve that goal,” adds John. “It’s clear now, we have everything we need. Discussions are underway with UK-based suppliers to make that dream a reality.”
Media interest in the project has been considerable, including interest from several documentary makers. The decision to bring the build back to the UK is therefore seen as an enabler for providing TPM’s supporters with unprecedented access to the restoration, as well as providing young people with extensive opportunities for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.
John continues: “It’s an incredibly exciting time for the project as we progress commercial negotiations with our UK suppliers, but for the foreseeable future, we continue to prioritise fundraising activities as we seek to secure our fuselage through suppliers in New Zealand.
“Once complete, the completed, doped fuselage will be brought to the UK ready for the next phase. Our New Zealand partners will then pick up work already started on the wing and tail section following fabrication of wing ribs in 2016.
“We have a considerable amount of work to deliver in 2018 and continue to seek partners and Mosquito enthusiasts willing to support fundraising efforts. Subject to funding, we believe we can have an airworthy Mosquito FB.VI gracing UK skies inside four years.”
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Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends. After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups. Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.
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