AeroLegends’ MJ444 Special Event

Join AeroLegends for a special event at Headcorn Airfield on Saturday, July 13th, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Attendees will assemble in the Aero Legends Dispersal Hut before experiencing a thrilling demonstration of MJ444's capabilities

A superb photo of MJ444 returning to Duxford after her first post restoration flight (Photo by John Ironside via AeroLegends)
Aircorps Art Dec 2019

On Thursday, June 6th, MJ444 took to the skies for her first post-restoration flight at Duxford, coinciding with the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The flight went smoothly, and testing is ongoing as of now. All signs indicate that MJ444 is an outstanding aircraft, with the Merlin 500 engine providing exceptional performance—earning it the nickname ‘rocket ship’!

MJ444 airborne for the first time since 13th January 1945 Photo via AeroLegends

It’s done—MJ444 is back in the sky where she belongs. It’s fitting that whenever we see her flying, we take a moment to remember the brave young Canadians who once piloted her. They fought—and in two cases, died—for freedom, far from their homeland, and they should never be forgotten.

One of the last tasks before MJ444s first post restoration flight was to add the 403 Squadron wolf nose art to the port engine cowling Photo Martin Overall
One of the last tasks before MJ444’s first post restoration flight was to add the 403 Squadron wolf nose art to the port engine cowling (Photo Martin Overall)

After the disappointment of canceling the ‘First Flight’ event at Duxford on April 25th, AeroLegends invites the public to a special event at Headcorn Airfield on Saturday, July 13th, 2024, at 18:00 hours. People will gather in the Aero Legends Dispersal Hut before witnessing MJ444 being put through her paces by their pilots. It promises to be a fantastic event, so please confirm your attendance by emailing Peter Hall ( by Saturday, July 6th, 2024. For more information, visit


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Graphic Design, Branding and Aviation Art

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