One of the most iconic aircraft from days-gone-by will make a special flight over Seattle and the Puget Sound Sunday, August 16 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.The flight is part of nation-wide ‘Spirit of 45’ observances involving several vintage aircraft making celebratory flights across the country the same day.The B-17 Flying Fortress is a heavy bomber used in nearly every theater of the WWII. Only a few dozen were in use prior to U.S. entry in WWII following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. More than 12,000 were produced by the time the Axis Powers surrendered in 1945. Only ten are airworthy today, including Sentimental Journey, the fully and authentically restored B-17 from the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Mesa, AZ (CAF).
Sentimental Journey symbolizes Victory in the largest and most destructive global conflict of all time – victory that liberated millions from conquering dictators and enslavement. Victory was achieved by the patriotism and service to country by Americans who served in the military, industry and the home-front in partnership with twenty-two other nations to defeat the Axis Powers in 1945.