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The 'Red Baron' in his Fokker Dr.I closely in formation with his intended victim, the Bristol F.2B Fighter at the Great War Flying Display organized by TAVAS in Caboulture, Australia. (photo by Phil Buckley)
TAVAS Great War Flying Display – April 2018 by Phil Buckley
On the weekend of 21-22 April 2018 at Caboolture Airport, north of Brisbane, Australia, The Australian Vintage Aviation Society (TAVAS) held its Great War Flying Display to honour the 100th anniversary for the downing of the legendary German ace, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, aka “The Red Baron”. As many may know, it was an Australian infantryman who was credited with shooting down the Red Baron near Vaux-sur-Somme, France on April 21st, 1918.
A gorgeous dogfight shot showing the Fokker Dr.I turning tightly into the Bristol F.2b. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Red Baron attempts to ‘bounce’ the hapless Bristol F.2b pilot. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Red Baron hot on the tail of the Bristol Fighter… which has a rear-facing machine gun position… not an ideal situation for the Fokker Dr.I. (photo by Phil Buckley)
TAVAS is the only organisation in Australia dedicated to flying military aeroplanes from WWI. They have amassed a large collection of aircraft from the era. All of them are reproductions or replicas, but some have original compoents installed. TAVAS is a self-funded, not-for-profit flying museum and uses its collection to edcuate people on what is now a largely overlooked era of aviation history. The Great War Flying Display, although primarily devoted to WWI aviation, also included WWII and modern military aircraft to demonstrate how technology has developed since 1918.
TAVAS presented their collection to the public throughout the weekend display. The flying display included their 1909 Demoiselle, 1910 Henri Farman III, 1915 Fokker E.III Eindecker monoplane, 1916 Sopwith Triplane, 1917 Neieuport 24, two examples of the 1917 Fokker Dr.I Triplane (one red and one black), a 1917 Bristol F.2b and a 1918 Fokker D.VIII. Not on show were their circa-1901 Whitehead N.21, 1909 Johnson monoplane, 1917 S.E.5a, Fokker D.VII and 1933 Flying Flea. Interestingly, in Australia, there are only six aircraft with operational rotary engines and three of these are found within the TAVAS collection. One of these is installed in their Fokker E.III Eindecker and another in the Fokker D.VIII.
The Sopwith Triplane replica. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A closeup of the beautiful brushed aluminum cowling of the Sopwith Triplane replica. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Bristol F.2b Fighter. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The other Fokker Dr.I replica also sported a flamboyant color scheme. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The all-black Fokker Dr.I. (photo by Phil Buckley)
. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Two Fokker Dr.Is flank the D.VIII. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Red Baron’s Fokker Dr.I. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The office of the Red Baron’s Fokker Dr.I. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A replica data plate on the Fokker Dr.I. (photo by Phil Buckley)
This Fokker Dr.I replica has a modern, conventional air-cooled flat four engine, compared to the original rotary engine it should have had. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another shot of the Germans, with the Fokker D.VIII in the left foreground. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A closeup of the Fokker D.VIII. This design came at the very end of the war, but was perhaps the finest fighter the Germans fielded during WWI. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Looking along the rear fuselage of the Fokker D.VIII. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The office for the Fokker D.VIII replica. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another shot of the Eindecker. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A shot of the German fighters, with the ever-so-fragile looking Fokker E.I Eindecker in the foreground. It’s hard to believe that this fighter was once the ‘scourge of the RAF’. It had the distinct advantage of a machine gun which could fire through the propeller arc safely (most of the time) making it much easier for its pilots to shoot accurately. The interrupter gear linking the gun trigger to the propeller position was a major technological breakthroug for the time. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another shot of the Eindecker showing how extremely simple its design was. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Starting up the Eindecker. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Fokker Eindecker running up its engine. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Fokker E.I Eindecker’s engine is a genuine WWI-era rotary engine. Here you can see it in full motion. Believe it or not, the propeller is bolted to the engine, which rotates in its entirety around the crank shaft, which is bolted to the engine-bay firewall. You can clearly see the blur of the engine as it rotates. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Rotary engine in motion… note how the entire engine revolves! This created a lot of inertia and excess torque. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A closeup of the Bristol F.2b. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Farman III and the Nieuport 24. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A replica of a Farman F.III. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A replica Neuport 11. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A replica Nieuport 24
fighter. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A Nieuport 24 replica. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Other aircraft which either flew at or simply attended the display included a diverse number of WWII to post-war types. Some of the later warbirds on hand included locally-based Mustang Flights Australia’s CA-18 Mk.21 Mustang, which was still undergoing overhaul, CAC Winjeels from Aerotec and Stephan Bowtell, the Caboolture Warplane & Flight Heritage Museum’s CAC Wirraway, Fighter Pilots Academy’s Yak-3U, The Texan Pty Ltd’s T-6 Harvard, four T-28 Trojans from Toowoomba, including Tim Berry’s rare T-28A, a deHavilland Chipmunk, Matt Denning’s CT-4 Airtrainer, locally-based Pacific Dakota Restorations C-47A Skytrain 43-48234 (under long-term rebuild) and a C-47 cockpit section. Other static displays included exhibits from the locally-based Australian Aviation Heritage Centre Queensland which featured their DHC-4 Caribou, Westland Wessex and Cessna O-1 Birdog.
The CAC-built Mustang. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Artwork on the CAC Mustuang, painted to represent at U.S. Army Air Force P-51D. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The business end of the Mustang. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The SNJ taxiing out for take off. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The SNJ taxiing back from a formation flight. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A Stinson L-5 Sentinel. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A gorgeous CAC Wirraway. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A beautifully maintained CAC Wirraway, based on the North American NA-16 design. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A T-28 Trojan taxis out, one of a number on show at Cooboulture. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another T-28, this one in SVAF markings. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A very ‘colorful’ T-28 Trojan in USAF markings. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another T-28 Trojan. (photo by Phil Buckley)
One of the two CAC Winjeels at the show. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another Winjeel. (photo by Phil Buckley)
One of two Winjeels on display. The type was an indigenous CAC design, and served as a trainer in the RAAF for many years. (photo by Phil Buckley)
. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A closeup of the details on one of the CAC Winjeel fuselages. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A PAC CT/4 trainer, which was designed in New Zealand was a primary trainer in the RAAF for many years until quite recently. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Many people toured the fuselage of Pacific Dakota Restoration’s C-47A Skytrain. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A C-47 cockpit section was also on had for visitors to examine. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A static DHC-4 Caribou was on hand. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A retired, former Royal Australian Navy Westland Wessex helicopter. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The flight program on the Saturday actually fell on the centenary of the Red Baron’s demise, so that was the most popular day of the event. A reeneactment on both days saw the Bristol F.2b engage the ‘Red Baron’ in his Fokker Dr.I. The dog fight would eventually lead over re-enactors dressed as Australian troops, firing up to bring WWI’s ace of aces to the ground. TAVAS’ aviators put on a skillful flying display in the Fokker Dr.I and Bristol F.2b which enabled visitors to see what a WWI mock dogfight might have looked like.
The Red Baron’s Fokker Dr.I taxiing out. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Fokker Dr.I replicas were scaled slightly under full-size. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Red Baron heads aloft… white scarf fluttering behind his neck. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Bristol F.2b Fighter in action. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Fokker Dr.I in flight. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A mock dog fight, under stormy clouds, between the Bristol F.2b and the Red Baron in his Fokker Dr.I replica. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The Red Baron duking it out with the Bristol Fighter. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The present day Royal Australian Air Force contributed displays as well, with an F/A-18F Super Hornet from RAAF No.1 Squadron performing each day, and a 36 Squadron C-17 Globemaster III flying in on the Saturday. A small team of RAAF members also manned a display booth on the ground helping to promote the roles and available RAAF careers to the public.
The heritage flight of the No.1 Squadron F/A-18F and the Bristol F.2b replica. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Other acts included assorted flights by a deHavilland DH.82 Tigermoth and DH.60 Moth showcasing vintage interwar biplanes. A loose formation flyby of the Bristol F.2b with a slow flying RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornet to honour 100years of military aviation was a drawcard too. The Fighter Pilots Academy Yak-3U Steadfast put on an impressive demonstration as well, ripping the sky up with its fast, aerobatic displays with some serious g-forces. With the Yak’s wingtip-mounted smoke generators turned on, the fighter carved fascinating smoke lines across the sky. A military trainer heritage flight took place too, featuring the CT-4, Winjeels, SNJ and Wirraway. Across each day’s events, various flight experience rides took place, with Tigermoths, Harvards and other civil types taking wing to further encourage visitors to actually experience aviation.
A glorious line up of deHavilland DH.60 Moths was on show, with a Chipmunk hiding behind them. (photo by Phil Buckley)
A beautiful RAAF DH.82 Tigermoth. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another shot of the DH.82 Tigermoth. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The multi-generational trainer formation flight. (photo by Phil Buckley)
deHavilland trainer formation flight – Moths in the forground with a Chipmunk in the distance. (photo by Phil Buckley)
Another shot of the Moth formation flight. (photo by Phil Buckley)
The creation of TAVAS has proven to be a worthwhile and productive venture. It is filling an important gap for Australians, who haven’t had a proper representation of WWI aviation on the air show display circuit for many years. The limited number of static WWI museum displays around Australia are important, but can never truly bring a full understanding for the sights, sounds and smells of an active aircraft in the sky. There is a visceral link to the past which a living, breathing flying machine can present so much more clearly than a motionless museum exhibit.
WarbirdsNews greatly appreciates TAVAS for providing media access to the event and we hope this report inspires more people to learn about WWI aviation.
Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends.
After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups.
Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.