
Phantom XV582 ‘Black Mike’ Is Safe But Still Needs Your Help

As our regular readers will know, WarbirdsNews believes strongly in championing the preservation of vintage…

Moreno Aguiari

XP-82 Twin Mustang – September, 2014 Restoration Update

As usual, WarbirdsNews has received the latest XP-82 Twin Mustang restoration update from Tom Reilly…

B-29 “Doc” Update, Flaps Installation

Volunteers with Doc’s Friends have now installed the flaps on the B-29. The flaps were the…

Moreno Aguiari

B-25 Sandbar Mitchell – August, 2014 Update

While some of this news has been covered in an earlier piece, WarbirdsNews felt our…

Moreno Aguiari

Gaining Altitude: The Mosquito Reborn

WarbirdsNews likes to support worthy projects when we find them, and we've come across one…

Moreno Aguiari

138th Aviation Company Memorial Update

Back in March, WarbirdsNews published a story concerning the 138th Aviation Company Memorial, a small organization…

Moreno Aguiari

XP-82 Twin Mustang – August 2014 Restoration Update

As usual, WarbirdsNews has received the latest XP-82 Twin Mustang restoration update from Tom Reilly…

National Museum of the USAF to Begin Restoring Massive Titan 4B Rocket

PRESS RELEASE — It sits in gigantic pieces in a World War II era hangar…

Moreno Aguiari

F-4D Phantom II Cockpit Resurrected from the Dead

The hobby of collecting aircraft cockpits first really took off, so to speak, in the…

Moreno Aguiari

New Acquisition for The Warbirds Of Glory Museum

The mortal remains of a previously unknown North American B-25J Mitchell survivor have come to…

Moreno Aguiari