Today is a national holiday here in the United States, Memorial Day in fact. Today is the day we celebrate the lives lost in our name on the battlefield, and the countless casualties which followed in its aftermath. For many, sadly, it has simply become a day off work to relax around the barbecue, or at the beach or swimming pool with family and friends. The first warm days are finally here after a long and dreary winter, so it’s only natural to want to shrug off the chill, and embrace the sunshine for a while. And these are good things. We must embrace life. However, we must also pause to reflect with thanks upon the ultimate sacrifices made by so many … far too many … that we might enjoy our future days in peace. Nor should we forget the families those brave men and women left behind either. For them there will be no easy days ahead.
The greatest way we can attempt to repay these un-payable debts is to make the best use of the biggest gifts they bequeathed us … their futures. Squeeze every last bit of goodness out of your day, every day you can. Bring something positive to the world, even if it’s just a smile on someone else’s face. Carpe Diem, in other words. That is all.