Based out of Boeing Field in Seattle, Washington, two Canadair CT-133 Silver Star Mk.3s are used as chase-planes for aircraft that are out on flight test, their unobstructed-view bubble canopies providing excellent visibility for those observing the test flights of the jetliners and warbirds that have been recently constructed or refurbished at Boeings’ sprawling facility.
The Silver Stars, N109X and N416X were built in 1954 for the Royal Canadian Air Force. The longest serving is N109X which joined Boeing in 1976 and was easily identifiable in the skies above Seattle due to its bold red and white color scheme. Recently the plane was spotted flying stripped down to bare metal and primer, ready for a new paint job. No word on what the new color scheme will be, but when the refreshed plane breaks cover, be assured Warbirds News will bring you the story.