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Grimes Filed landing strip is bordered by cornfields which provides a perfect movie-like backdrop for the Museum’s Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A couple of weeks ago we published a story by Aaron Haase describing the Golden Age Air Museum’s marvelous annual air show, themed as the Fokker Scourge due to the four replica Fokker Dr.I triplanes participating in the flying display. What we didn’t cover in that article were the marvelous nighttime photoshoots featuring illuminated WWI fighter plane designs on the evening prior to each day of the event. Organized by Full Disc Aviation, this experience included a brace of Fokker triplanes along with a replica Sopwith Pup. Our great friend and noted aviation author, A.Kevin Grantham, was on hand to capture the proceedings, so we thought we’d let him pick up the story from here…
Grimes Filed landing strip is bordered by cornfields which provides a perfect movie-like backdrop for the Museum’s Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Fokker Scourge Redux
by A.Kevin Grantham
The Friday and Saturday night shoots were organized by Full Disc Aviation photographers Richard Souza, James Woodard, and Ryan Kelly. These guys are real pros, and I really appreciated their generousity for allowing me to tag along with them. The Full Disc team worked with the Golden Age Air Museum, Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, Chris Hill’s ‘Knight of the Sky’ crew, and Andrew King to facilitate this unique night shoot. The subject aircraft for the first night’s shoot included John Elliot’s and Chris Hill’s Dr.I replicas. It is evident that the aircraft owners trusted this great group of photographers. Like me, Glenn Riegel, the Museum’s staff photographer, and local lensman Corey Beitler also participated. The Full Disc team used several portable Milwaukee battery-operated lights to illuminate the subject aircraft. They also did a bit of light painting using a programmable light source. The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome’s Sopwith Pup was the subject aircraft the following evening.
An evocative twilight image depicting Chris Hill’s magnificent Fokker Dr.I triplane. This replica triplane is about as authentic as they come, and features an original 120hp leRhone rotary engine dating from 1917 as well as a propeller recreated from a 3D scan of the only known surviving section of an original Dr.I propeller. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Chris Hill’s Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A little ‘light painting’ on the Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A little ‘light painting’ on the Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
John Elliot’s replica Fokker Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
John Elliot’s replica Fokker Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
John Elliot’s replica Fokker Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
John Elliot’s replica Fokker Dr.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Two Fokker Dr.I replicas emerge from the gloom during the evening photo shoot at the Golden Age Air Museum’s Fokker Scourge event a couple of weeks ago. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Another marvelous view of the two Fokker Dr.I replicas. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Full Disc Aviation – The team who led the nighttime photoshoot – James Woodard, Ryan Kelly, Ryan Tykosh, Richard Souza,
Glenn Riegel – Golden Age Air Museum Staff Photographer and Full Disc Aviation Collaborator
Corey Beitler local Photographer and editor of Distelfink Airlines online Newsletter. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Old Rheinbeck Aerodrome’s Sopwith Pup replica lit up for the nighttime shoot. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Grimes Field hangar. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Wheeling out Old Rheinbeck’s Sopwith Pup replica. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Sopwith Pup, with the moon shining down from above. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Another view of the Pup. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Sopwith Pup in profile. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A little light painting of the Pup. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A little light painting of the Pup. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Pup under moonlight, with some additional illumination from the lamp in the foreground. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Another evocative shot the Sopwith Pup under the moon. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Another evocative shot the Sopwith Pup under the moon. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Kevin also captured some marvelous images of the air show too – images which offer some different perspectives to what was covered in the earlier article, so it’s hard to resist sharing them! So, with much thanks, here are Kevin’s words, images and captions highlighting what was clearly a fantastic event for the whole family…
Beware of the HUN IN THE SUN. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Fokker Scourge was indeed a fantastic two-day show. Each day they would demonstrate their vintage aircraft collection with comedy scenes in between. The flying was outstanding, but the comedy is what made it all work. I cannot remember when I had more fun at an air show! The whole event had a distinctively family-friendly atmosphere. You can bring your drinks and food and sit down and enjoy the show without being pushed to pay for everything, including the grass you are walking on. Refreshing!!! The adult admission price was only $12 – another nice surprise. The free parking area was behind Grimes Field (it actually comprised the driveway to Paul Dougherty’s house) which is only a hop-skip and a jump to the event area. The museum itself consists of three hangars and a vintage farmhouse which serves as the Museum’s visitor center. The adjoining airfield is bordered by cornfields, giving the site a real Field of Dreams vibe. A very picturesque setting nestled between Interstate 78 and the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania. The Fokker Scourge was saved for the end of each show, as one might expect. The pictures, with their captions, should serve as an effective guide to the proceedings… enjoy!
The Triplanes that appeared at the event. (Left to right) – John Elliot’s Dr.I looks like the Red Baron’s mount, Fred Murrin’s authentic replica, Chris Hill’s Zebra stripped Triplane. Finally, the Museum’s Dr.I is in Lothar Von Richthofen’s colors. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Chris Hill and his 120hp Le Rhône-powered Fokker dreidecker replica. Hill was the driving force that helped organize the Fokker Scourge. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The black and white stripes that adorn Chris Hill Dr.I do not represent an authentic World War I paint scheme but is a real eye-catcher. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The data plate on the cowling of John Elliot’s Lycoming powered DR.I. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Three Fokker Dr.I’s and a brace of Pups. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The cylinder head of an authentic Le Rhône engine. Each of the engine’s nine cylinders has to be manually primed and lubricated before each flight. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Fred Murrin’s Dr.I wearing Werner Voss’s colors. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Grimes Airfield, it’s main hangar stuffed with Fokkers. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
An original WWI-era rotary engine in its cradle. These engines are particularly unusual, by modern standards, in that it is the engine’s crank shaft which is bolted to the airframe (not the engine). The engine, with the propeller bolted to the casing, spins around the crank shaft, which means that there are enormous gyroscopic forces in play during flight! (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Four Fokker Dr.I Triplanes. Leading is Andrew King in John Elliot’s Dr.I (N279SB), followed by Chris Hill piloting the black and white fighter, Paul Daugherty flying the Golden Age Air Museum’s Dr.I, and Fred Murrin’s triplane. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Chris Mondello did a fantastic job combating the Fokker Scourge, but the little 1916 Pup was no match for the Dr.1s. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
This Fleet 7 serves as a camera ship for the back seater and Museum photographer Glenn Riegel. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Build it, and they will come! (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Sopwith Pup’s tail skid failed shortly after touching down, which ground lopped the plane into an adjacent cornfield. Pilot Mark Mondello was unhurt, and the airplane suffered no damage. The culprit turned out to be a bent pivot bolt. The Pup was quickly repaired and put back into service. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Tom Martin piloting his Nieuport replica. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The primitive cockpit of Chris Hall’s beautiful Zebra Triplane. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
An authentic Zebra skin makes for a perfect cockpit cover. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Paul Dougherty’s original, 1917 Curtiss JN-4D ‘Jenny’. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
It is not every day you see a 1936 Aeronca C-3 Master. This tubby flyer is powered by a two-cylinder 40hp engine and has a top speed of 64 mph. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Andrew King is wearing Flying Aces Air Circus overalls getting ready for his next performance. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A 1932 Pietenpol Air Camper powered by a Ford Model A engine. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
1917 Rumpler C.V replica built by Slingsby Aircraft of London for the 1960s motion picture “Lawrence of Arabia.” This aircraft is not a good flyer, so the museum staff pilots drew straws to see who would get the honor of flying this beast in the show. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Sopwith Pup reaching for the sky. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Museum’s Rumpler two-seater is affectionally known as Brünhilde. I don’t know about you, but the rear gunner looks a little stiff. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The JN4D is performing the Delsy Dive. The Delsy Dive is a stunt barnstorming pilots would use to show off their airmanship by seeing how many times their airplane could bisect a falling roll of Delsey Premium Toilet Paper (which is still made today) before it hit the ground. The target depicted here is colored red to give the pilot a better chance of seeing the floating ribbon of paper. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Paul Dougherty, the Museum’s President, dressed like German fighter ace Lothar Von Richthofen. Mr. Dougherty in addition to doing a great deal of the flying also organized and planned the show. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Rhinebeck Sopwith Pup was dismantled in New York and trucked to Pennsylvania for the show. Each night all of these delicate aircraft were taken indoors for protection. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Museum’s Dr.I in the twilight of the evening sky. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
The Two-Face Tony Torelli Gang. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Professor De Air Le Mer provides some comedy relief by trying to get his power bicycle off the ground. Realizing he did not have enough thrust, he tried using rocket power, but the device exploded shortly after ignition. Fortunately, a bystander was there to save the professor’s life with a bucket of water. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Professor De Air Le Mer provides some comedy relief by trying to get his power bicycle off the ground. Realizing he did not have enough thrust, he tried using rocket power, but the device exploded shortly after ignition. Fortunately, a bystander was there to save the professor’s life with a bucket of water. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Professor De Air Le Mer provides some comedy relief by trying to get his power bicycle off the ground. Realizing he did not have enough thrust, he tried using rocket power, but the device exploded shortly after ignition. Fortunately, a bystander was there to save the professor’s life with a bucket of water. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Professor De Air Le Mer provides some comedy relief by trying to get his power bicycle off the ground. Realizing he did not have enough thrust, he tried using rocket power, but the device exploded shortly after ignition. Fortunately, a bystander was there to save the professor’s life with a bucket of water. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A racing competition also occurred during the show between Aeronica BCM, Taylor Craft DCO-65, 1930 Fleet 7, 1932 Pietenpol, and a Aeronca C-3. The top speeds for these aircraft differ significantly, so the race was handicapped with the winner completing the following tasks: First, all the participants were required to strip down to their underwear (bloomers for the ladies), then take off and complete the required laps around the field, and finally land and redress. Of course, their buddy Zeek Gullywater had to get into the act. It is also important to note that a cinder block was tied to the tail wheel of each airplane as a safety precaution. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A racing competition also occurred during the show between Aeronica BCM, Taylor Craft DCO-65, 1930 Fleet 7, 1932 Pietenpol, and a Aeronca C-3. The top speeds for these aircraft differ significantly, so the race was handicapped with the winner completing the following tasks: First, all the participants were required to strip down to their underwear (bloomers for the ladies), then take off and complete the required laps around the field, and finally land and redress. Of course, their buddy Zeek Gullywater had to get into the act. It is also important to note that a cinder block was tied to the tail wheel of each airplane as a safety precaution. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
For that matter, the show announcers and Police have been less than successful in getting rid of Zeek, shown here checking out the pink Aeronca. Gullywater pushes past the two men guarding the plane and mages to take control of the pink beauty despite having a cinder block anchored to its tail. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
For that matter, the show announcers and Police have been less than successful in getting rid of Zeek, shown here checking out the pink Aeronca. Gullywater pushes past the two men guarding the plane and mages to take control of the pink beauty despite having a cinder block anchored to its tail. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
For that matter, the show announcers and Police have been less than successful in getting rid of Zeek, shown here checking out the pink Aeronca. Gullywater pushes past the two men guarding the plane and mages to take control of the pink beauty despite having a cinder block anchored to its tail. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
For that matter, the show announcers and Police have been less than successful in getting rid of Zeek, shown here checking out the pink Aeronca. Gullywater pushes past the two men guarding the plane and mages to take control of the pink beauty despite having a cinder block anchored to its tail. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Two-Face Tony somehow escapes the clutches of the law and makes his way towards hijacking a Breezy-type aircraft occupied by none other than—Professor De Air Le Mer. Two-Face manages to take off, and a mid-air struggle ensues. Oh no, the professor is seen falling from the aircraft and hitting the ground with a thud! A nearby ambulance quickly arrives and gives the Professor life-saving medical attention but then dumps him out on the ground in front of the audience. The Professor is a little dischuffed but somehow survives the ordeal. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Two-Face Tony somehow escapes the clutches of the law and makes his way towards hijacking a Breezy-type aircraft occupied by none other than—Professor De Air Le Mer. Two-Face manages to take off, and a mid-air struggle ensues. Oh no, the professor is seen falling from the aircraft and hitting the ground with a thud! A nearby ambulance quickly arrives and gives the Professor life-saving medical attention but then dumps him out on the ground in front of the audience. The Professor is a little dischuffed but somehow survives the ordeal. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Two-Face Tony somehow escapes the clutches of the law and makes his way towards hijacking a Breezy-type aircraft occupied by none other than—Professor De Air Le Mer. Two-Face manages to take off, and a mid-air struggle ensues. Oh no, the professor is seen falling from the aircraft and hitting the ground with a thud! A nearby ambulance quickly arrives and gives the Professor life-saving medical attention but then dumps him out on the ground in front of the audience. The Professor is a little dischuffed but somehow survives the ordeal. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Two-Face Tony somehow escapes the clutches of the law and makes his way towards hijacking a Breezy-type aircraft occupied by none other than—Professor De Air Le Mer. Two-Face manages to take off, and a mid-air struggle ensues. Oh no, the professor is seen falling from the aircraft and hitting the ground with a thud! A nearby ambulance quickly arrives and gives the Professor life-saving medical attention but then dumps him out on the ground in front of the audience. The Professor is a little dischuffed but somehow survives the ordeal. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Two-Face Tony somehow escapes the clutches of the law and makes his way towards hijacking a Breezy-type aircraft occupied by none other than—Professor De Air Le Mer. Two-Face manages to take off, and a mid-air struggle ensues. Oh no, the professor is seen falling from the aircraft and hitting the ground with a thud! A nearby ambulance quickly arrives and gives the Professor life-saving medical attention but then dumps him out on the ground in front of the audience. The Professor is a little dischuffed but somehow survives the ordeal. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
A bleary-eyed professor walks away after his ‘fall’ from the Breezy. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
In the meantime, Two-Face Tony crash lands the Breezy into a Speak Easy and is reunited with his gang. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
In the meantime, Two-Face Tony crash lands the Breezy into a Speak Easy and is reunited with his gang. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Chris Ford makes riding a penny-farthing bicycle look easy. It is not!. (photo by A. Kevin Grantham)
Many thanks indeed to A.Kevin Grantham for this article. As one can easily tell from the accompanying photographs and descriptions… the Golden Age Air Museum puts on a fabulous show. For those of you who are able to attend this weekend (October 22/23, 2022), the museum will be hosting The Great Pumpkin Fly-In and Cruise-In Air Show which will feature aerial pumpkin bombing contests, biplane rides, a variety of rare and unusual vintage aircraft and a selection of vintage cars… plus all sorts of other opportunities. If the images included in this article are anything to go by, this will be a not-to-miss event for the whole family!
The Author and Vintage Aviation News would like to thank Paul Dougherty and the Golden Air Air Museum’s excellent staff and volunteers for all of their assistance with this article. Also, we must give a shout out to Full Disc Aviation – James Woodard, Ryan Kelly, Ryan Tykosh, Richard Souza, Glenn Riegel – Golden Age Air Museum Staff Photographer and Full Disc Aviation Collaborator and Corey Beitler, local photographer and editor of Distelfink Airlines newsletter.
Richard Mallory Allnutt's aviation passion ignited at the 1974 Farnborough Airshow. Raised in 1970s Britain, he was immersed in WWII aviation lore. Moving to Washington DC, he frequented the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, meeting aviation legends.
After grad school, Richard worked for Lockheed-Martin but stayed devoted to aviation, volunteering at museums and honing his photography skills. In 2013, he became the founding editor of Warbirds News, now Vintage Aviation News. With around 800 articles written, he focuses on supporting grassroots aviation groups.
Richard values the connections made in the aviation community and is proud to help grow Vintage Aviation News.