WarbirdsNews has another great piece from Matt Jolley and Warbird Radio that we thought we would share with you this morning for Warbird Radio Favorite Friday! This week Matt Jolley will revisit a story he recorded with the legendary warbird restoration guru, Tom Reilly.
Matt Jolley – In October of 2009, I’d just given up the anchor desk for FOX news in Macon, Georgia and soon found myself in Tom Reilly’s hangar two hours down the road in Douglas. Warbird Radio.com had been on the air for all of a month, but Reilly showed me around like I’d been in business for years. His hospitality has been the same ever since. For years I’d heard about Tom Reilly’s work, and had been a fan of his since I was kid. His restoration track record is impressive and perhaps unmatched: ten B-25’s, two B-17’s and a B-24, plus numerous others have flown again following his hard work and magic touch.
Listening to Tom’s interview is not only a trip down “Memory Lane”, it’s a great example of what it’s like to visit his hangar on any given day. There are projects and old airplane parts everywhere, and the work continues no matter who’s visiting. Reilly’s shop is a living, breathing embodiment of his passion for warbirds and the stories they tell. Sure it’s a business, but it’s his obsession with these flying machines that drives him forward. Take a listen and enjoy the tour of Mr. Reilly’s world.
Until next week!
Link to the Audio Story: HERE
Matt Jolley